Title: The Problem with Personal Blogs, Part 21/21
Characters: Holmes, Watson, Lestrade, the BBC gang (Molly, Sarah, Donovan, Anderson)
Rating: PG to Strong Adult - this part R
Warnings: Excessive estrogen, biology
Summary: Sherlock finds himself the recipient of unwanted attention, thanks to the Internet.
Notes: Thank you
winterstorrm for the beta and
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Comments 29
Delightful storytelling throughout. Your prose seems so enviably effortless, snapping and popping and burbling along at a brisk pace, which obviously means you must have been going to considerable efforts. I especially love your dialoges. It takes considerable skill, doing so much storytelling through conversations, managing to convey and maintain each individual character's personality traits and quirks, and doing it with such enthusiasm, not to mention sheer *glee*.
Better late than never: Thank you for a great read!
The only one I'd ever read was The Hound of the Baskervilles, long time ago, and not from an interest in the detective story, more because I had a horror/fascination back then for "alien animals" and anything in that vein. Mothmen, Nessie, Yeti, Black Dogs of the moors.... uhuh! I remember liking the story but I can't remembr anything about the writing.
So I was unaware of ACD's way of storytelling through unattributed dialogue. Strangely enough, it's a writing technique I've become more conscious of, and vastly more appreciative of, after haplessly having read the first novel in the Twilight saga (I got it as a gift: "Hey Maeg, you like vampire stories don't you?" :rolleyes: That one does it W-R-O-N-G. Every line of insipid dialogue seemed to end with he/she said + adverb. "She said happily." "He said lovingly" "She whispered pleadingly" etc etc. I do not understand where the editor of the drivel was.
You know, this is us. I'm so glad to be a ( ... )
> "She said happily." "He said lovingly"
ACK ACK ACK I'm dying STOP ALREADY STOOOOOOOP!!!! Where was the editor, indeed! *shudders* You are brave, to make it through that.
> There was this one restaurant in London, once
Was that the Chinese restaurant with the helium balloons, when the owners finally kindly asked us to LEAVE? Because that's a highlight with me also.
Truly, we are an excellent bunch of hell-raisers. Long live us! *hugs you again, just because*
Thanks so much for your comments! I really appreciate it.
Sherlock shuddered. "I can't even imagine. Who would want to read about me having sex? And fake sex, at that. It's boring enough on its own, without making up any more of it."
Ahahahaha, Sherlock, if you only knew. *pets him*
With Sherlock's addiction to the dramatic and his sartorial flair, picking out a potential stalker from amongst the many who were innocently drawn to his flamboyant style would not be an easy task.
LOL, this is so accurate! How to tell the difference between a stalker and a person just interested in Sherlock as he walks down the street?
John bit back his observation that Molly would probably agree to come if Sherlock had a take-away carrier drop off a note scrawled in crayon.Love this-perfect description of Molly, and such an amusing image, too. And more about Molly in this story-I have such a kink for Sherlock being all reluctant when it comes to sex and others taking ( ... )
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