I'm back! Sorry about pulling the journal, but I had to go on the lam due to a security breach. My deepest thanks for all of you who responded in my moment of distress; I appreciate all your help and support. *hugs*
Things have calmed down, and I'm now ready to throw caution to the wind and share with you all more memories of my magnificent travels in New Zealand!
First installment here:
Welcome to New Zealand! I must caution you that, lovely as New Zealand is, it's not quite the same place as Middle-earth. Indeed, it has changed even since Peter Jackson filmed his famous movies. I have included just a few examples below: Warning dial-up users--photos
First off, it appears that sprinklers have been installed at Hobbiton. As this pic was taken at the location of Sam's hobbit hole, I can only assume that he requested and implemented the change.
Moving south and east, we find that, not only have the Wild Wargs been penned, they've actually been replaced with a gentler species. Although removing the blood-thirsty killers from the plains might be seen as a blow to movie realism, I believe it was a prudent move to encourage tourism. Fewer deaths = more return visitors.
As another reassurance for future travellers, we found that the cliff where Aragorn fell has been chained off for safety. Notice how this precaution prevents Mariole from a fall.
An additional safety measure forbids the use of fire in Ithilien. This could be a big disappointment for fans of the "Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" scene.
Moving farther east, we find the twisty paths of the Emyn Muil where Frodo and Sam endlessly retraced their steps are now clearly signposted. It sort of takes the mystery out of the journey.
In a further improvement, a ski lift has been added to Mount Doom. Not only that, but there's a nice cafe at the top to refresh weary travellers. What our dear hobbits wouldn't give to have taken advantage of that!
The Black Gate was wrecked, as you know, in the Fall of Sauron. The only reminder today is this newly erected black spiky fence. I believe the presence of a rubbish bin suggests that clean-up efforts are still underway.
Despite these improvements,
Ms_Maggot (Maggie) and I managed to have a wonderful time. However, I want to tell the story in order. So let me take you back, back... to the beginning of our tour.
"It came to me, my own, my love, my... precious." In the gloom of Gollum's Cave, Maggie's sunglasses brought unnatural dimming power. Day after day, they darkened her eyes.
Striving to escape this frightening scene, Mariole tripped and put her hand out blindly in the dark. She picked up the most unlikely hobbit imaginable-- Frodo Baggins of the Shire. In no time at all he became her... precious.
Next installment:
Merry and Frodo Visit the Shire