Title: School Project [Prologue]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg (for now)/ - pg-15
Genre: comedy
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: For a moment I had a really creative phase and wrote a beginning for a story... the problem is i don't know how I should continue -.- so please read and comment (and tell me if you have a good idea^^) Thanks♥
The doorbell rang through Kibum's big house.
He walked to the door and let out a sigh thinking about whether he should open the door or not.
He was really frustrated.
It was already bad enough, to have to do school projects during vacation when he has more important things to do but what made it worse was the partner he was assigned to:
Lee Jinki, the clumsiest, dorkiest and nerdiest person Kim Kibum had ever met.
He was one year older than him but if you would have compared them everyone would have thought Jinki was at least two years younger.
He was so clumsy, or had so much bad luck or whatever you want to call it that he had managed to slip on a notebook lying on the ground of his classroom and falling so bad on his head that his injury kept him for about 3 months in the hospital.
As a result he had to repeat a school year and was known (not only in his school but also by most people in the small city they lived in) as the “Klutz”.
Kibum on the other hand was like a celebrity in his school.
Being well known for his good looks, the amount of money on his bank account, his sense of fashion (that was better than most girls') and for the many broken-hearted girls and boys (gender didn't matter to him) that could sometimes be seen in front of the Kim residence.
He was straight forward and with the ability to stamp everyone with a few words to the ground he made himself the name of the “ice prince”.
So they stood there, Kim Kibum sighing and checking if his house was safe enough for the “Klutz” to enter and if all the rare and expensive antiques were safely put away, locked in a room Jinki would never be able to reach before opening the door.
Lee Jinki gulped, nervously playing with his freshly stiled hair.
His mother nearly had an heart attack when he had told her that he would go over to the “ice prince's” house and wouldn't let him leave before she had styled him appropriate enough to enter the Kim's residence.
As he heard the door being opened cold sweat began forming in his neck and he gulped once again, feeling stupid being dressed up like that just for a school project.
The door was opened and Jinki could see the fake smile on Kibum's face turning into a smirk as he checked the older boy's appearance.
“Haha, what kind of clothes are those? Your mothers? The next time you decide to dress up ask someone who knows at least a little bit about fashion, so that you won't look like a clown.”
Jinki mentally cursed his mother and tried to hide his uneasiness and embarrassment with a smile.
“Welcome to hell.” he thought as he entered the big mansion.
[Chapter 1];
[Chapter 2];
[Chapter 3];
[Chapter 3,5]; [Chapter 4]