Title: Soul mate Author: mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey Rating:pg-15 Genre: dabble, smut? Summery: the relationship between Kibum and Jinki AN: I know I should be writing other things but I had this in my mind....enjoy~
>>> They were like birds, needing the freedom to do what they want, but always coming back, needing the great amount of passion, lust and love they shared. <<< i truly love this quote, beautiful and fancy
i know it's a drabble but if you do not mind, i want a continuation of this story from key's pov and jinki's pov. i want to know what they really think about this relationship of them ? if this is not love, why are they always going to meet each other again. sorry too much and burden you.
Comments 14
why so short ??
>>> They were like birds, needing the freedom to do what they want, but always coming back, needing the great amount of passion, lust and love they shared. <<< i truly love this quote, beautiful and fancy
i know it's a drabble but if you do not mind, i want a continuation of this story from key's pov and jinki's pov. i want to know what they really think about this relationship of them ? if this is not love, why are they always going to meet each other again. sorry too much and burden you.
thank you for sharing this.
i like the idea of having this kind of relationship.. (although i wouldn't want it for myself.LOL)
me likeeey~
i fucking love this!!!!
intresting to read this onkey relationship :DDDD
yes yes yes!!! they were soulmate!
a noughty soulmate khekekekekeke >.
it's so great!
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