Title: School Project [Chapter 5/?]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg (for now)/ - pg-15
Genre: comedy, drama?
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: fail... the chapter is as short as the last one sorry!!! and somehow I think it's processing too fast... but I just had in my head like that so I wrote it like
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Comments 11
smut a little later.
and i'd like jjong to leave his girlfriend for tae. no, I mean in real life. srsly.
HAHAHA. ♥ no, jjong can be happy in his real life for all I care, but i want JongTae ;^;
anyway, comment: yaaaah.. y so short bb? ;_;
i'm so excited to see what happens next. :3
and yaaaaaaaaaay taemin. okay. taeyeon (?) that was his girl-name in school of rock, right? tae, whatever. aaaaaaaaaaah..
/is not making any sense anymore v____v
looking forward to the next chapter ♥
idk thy shouldnt progress so fast considering tht thyre so cute awwwwwww
lolz tae~ as boy or girl doesnt matter~
but key cant go against his "son" XDD
and well~ although i always shout out for smut
i guess take this slowly??
i mean first kiss is fine i guess? :xx
but not smut~ too fast for now~
sorry its my opinion~
anyway i like it update soon :d
smut... is a bit later i think.. khekeekke..
coz they just start to realize they own feeling >.<
aiissshhh i really love this heheehehehe....
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