31 30 (thanks Mike) MTX songs and detailed descriptions as to why I chose each song.
1. Now We Are 21
This I chose just because well, it reminds me of turning 21.
2. This History Of The Concept Of The Soul
It's like the most precise explanation in song on this topic you will ever find.
3. Velveeta
Because of this song I tried to get people to call me by the nickname Velveeta. It didn't stick. HAHA GET IT? STICK? rofl
4. Last Time I Listened To You
This is a good song to dance to. Yeah, so to any of you smartasses who want to point out how many times a day I say I DON'T DANCE... come on, how naive are you if you think I don't dance? I just don't dance to crap. I will dance to this song!
5. God Bless America
If ever there was a song that would give me an inferiority complex about shaving my legs, this would be the one. Also there's a good version of it in French with the most atrocious French accent I've ever heard. Yes, I've been to France. Thank you. I love it.
6. I Love You But You're Standing On My Foot
This song is pretty absurd, if I think about the lyrics too much. My favorite part is right at the beginning, "When I saw you standing there, in your lacy underwear, I knew I was in the ladies' dressing room. And now I've seen it all, and they kicked me out of the mall, but it was wonderful"... Yeah, it's priceless.
7. See It Now
This is a song I listen to if I feel like reminising about past relationships like a whiny, emo bitch, thinking about how I can see what's going on now but at the time I didn't. Good song.
8. Martyr
"And I'm all overcome with apathy, doesn't have anything to do with me. If you think I should feel responsible I don't know anything is possible."
9. More Than Toast
This is a song where, when performed live, I jump around and scream with excitement like a little girl. Especially when intoxicated. I pretend that Frank is singing it to me for some reason, and I'm wildly happy.
10. Swallow Everything
Another song I'll dance to, hahaha fuck you, I do too dance.
11. Will You Still Love Me When I Don't Love You
Something I listen to when I need an ego boost!
12. Together Tonight
This is a song that reminds me of relationships, not in a good or a bad way or over a specific person, and I just think about the mistakes I've made, and will continue to make. But none of that matters, all that matters is: let's be together tonight. (Assuming I have someone in my life that fits the description of someone I want to be together with tonight.)
13. How'd the date end?
There are two recorded versions of this song, one on the "...And the women who love them" 7 inch EP where it is not credited, and one of the "and the women who love them special addition" CD where it is credited. This is the one from the 7 inch, with a missing verse. I heard this one first, and I like this one better. I like, don't need the extra verse, or whatever. Once, I asked Frank to play this song, but I didn't know what the title was. I just said, "That one song on that one seven inch" and everybody in the room laughed at me. Needless to say I didn't get to hear it played that night...
14. Now That You Are Gone
I have a soft spot for the acoustic numbers, like this one. This is kind of how I feel when someone pushes me away. Especially the part that goes "But it finally hit me when you left my name off your suicide note." Also, it is one of the first of Frank's songs that I learned to play on the guitar.
15. I Was Losing You All Along
When I first heard this was when I fully understood the where the line, "Revenge is sweet, and so are you," came from. I've since decided to get that tattooed underneath the MTX tattoo I already have. Someday...
16. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
There's no deep meaning behind this song. Besides I just like to rock out to it. OH, AND DANCE! Another Marisa dance song!
17. I Just Wanna Do It With You
Good song to listen to when you're very much in love. :)
18. I Fell For You
Another good song to listen to when you're very much in love. Plus, I love the video for it! My favorite part is how Frank keeps falling. And that Chess magazine.
19. Deep Deep Down
Sometimes, when I'm thinking about someone (like, an ex) who touched my life in a very deep way but then turned out to be the wrong person so I got dumped and, well, that kinda hurts. But then, when I hear this song, I think, well maybe I can pretend that they didn't actually dump me, that they just died. And now I just miss them cuz they're dead. I don't want to talk about it, but someone always asks about him, so I can just tell them all, My boyfriend's dead. (Ok sorry, I'm listening to the Vandals now while I'm typing this.)
20. That Prozac Moment
This song didn't really impress me until the first time I heard it be played acoustic. Now I'm in love with it.
21. ... And I Will Be With You
The video for this is so cute. I remember this one time they played that song when I was at a show with a guy I'd met there. It seemed all too perfect. Which is fine, because the romance in question was very short lived. Which is okay, cuz I was 16.
22. I Don't Need You Now
I used to play this on other people's acoustic guitars in the band room at El Molino. Rose was my tambourine player. I was supposed to play it at some sort of talent show, but they didn't let me for some reason. I didn't think I was THAT bad. Communists!
23. She's Coming (Over Tonight)
The story behind this song is kind of embarassing... if the person who reads this sees this he'll know what I'm talking about, but other than that I don't really wanna talk about it. This is still a good song!!
24. I Wanna Be Sedated
MTX covering the Ramones? That's hot!
25. Population: Us
Frank's first solo project, and a song that always impresses me when I listen to it, as if I've never heard it before and I'm just awestruck at how amazing it is. Then I realize I'm singing along and it's not the first time I've heard it, nor will it be the last. It's pretty special.
26. She's My Alcatraz
This is what I feel like when something's very out of reach. Something like a boy.
27. We'll Get By
This song gives me that funny feeling in my tummy. Maka bam pow!
28. Monkey Intro
A live recording which is the introduction to the next song, "Monkey." The song doesn't make a whole lot of sense without the introduction.
29. Monkey
A song about boy, a girl, and a monkey. You really have to hear the intro...
30. Take All The Time You Need
I'm not going anywhere. We're unsafe at any speed. Take all the time you need.