sharts-awkward social occurence or bar with pool and darts?

Nov 25, 2007 21:08

BURN! now, onto the post.

i've seen spidey 3 since my last post. i actually liked him in the black suit quite a bit (especially when he was at the jazz club showing off his moves)..i dunno if i would have had the moral character necessary to nix it. but i do have my complaints, so go ahead and ask if you really care what those may be. my turkey day was less than spectacular. only a few family members at my aunt's place, the lions lost, and far too little mashed potaters were made. on the upside, i did get to see my cousin heather who i haven't seen in a long time, so that was nice. plus pumpkin pie rules teh school. drank the night away at my sister's place, then i braved the after thanksgiving day shopping to hit up a couple places. it really wasn't that bad..i didn't even get up til a bit after 8am. de-hangoverified, then headed out to the mall in ann arbor. picked up 4 pairs of pantaloons for ~$65, with a ~$50 gift card that meant i only actually had to shell out about 15 bucks for em. not too shabby. also got a fleece shirt for any further backcountry camping expeditions that i may encounter, and picked up some mooooooovies from borders (pan's labyrinth, hot fuzz, 300, and kiss kiss bang bang). yesterday was mongolian BBQ in canton (yum!) with some friends i haven't seen in a while, plus a cute new girl! who of course has a boyfriend! but still fun times, plus the cute new girl (hereby referred to as "el suz", cept i'm not prolly gonna refer to her anymore in this post, making this whole paragraphed parenthetical section pointless..muahahahahahahahahaha, you totally wasted your time reading this) has a dad who's apparently a bigtime drainage commissioner that does naturey goodness type work and maybe could i get a job?? oh and after the foodage, we went and played darts at the sharts SHARK CLUB. i won one game on purpose and the other on accident. one or two i lost outright. but i gotta go now to meet my niece for the first time! later gators :)
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