Yes, I despise the default "popular" view - the first thing I do is hit Most Recent. I miss LJ, my life hasn't allowed for mid- to long-form blogging the last 2 years, and FB is NOT a replacement. I may yet decide to reactivate my LJ - this is the first time I've logged in since 2008, I think.
The problem with most recent is that I have only enough patience to scroll back through some of my more vocal friends that post...hourly...before giving up on FB timing out or whatever and so I often miss important announcements from friends that rarely ever post. Besides, FB is often enough buggy that even in recent view it might show the same post or not show them at all - or god forbid you try to click on comments to view the rest of a longer post after you've scrolled back like 15 times, because then when you try to go back to the recent posts view, it'll start you back at the beginning!
All in all, it's amazing the type of bonehead UI/UX that your average group of 500,000,000 users will put up with. I'm sure your other half would agree.
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