corleones gave me these for the chatty icon meme:
[borgia] you bring your elegance //
EYYYYYY, FORMER DEFAULT. Quite possibly my favorite icon of all the icons-it's so devastatingly elegant and is basically all my feelings about ladies and performative queenship structure in one go, somehow? FEELINGS. LUCREZIA BORGIA FEELINGS; ALSO HOLLIDAY'S FACE. Plus, feelings easter egg: the tail end of the lyric is "you bring your elegance / and me my dumb strength" (this is Sea Wolf's "O Maria", which is probably about a girl named Maria, but which I have Borgiamixed into submission on the pretence that I can read it as a cockeyed prayer, AKA the only kind in anyone's heart in that Vatican), which is obvs about Cesare (dumb being silent, lol) because courtliness/militarism feelings for their two separate parallel wars. This is Lucrezia's game face. This is the first time she is aware of marshalling herself this way, even though she still has ideals at this point (this being the face of her actual wedding). This is Lucrezia, generalissima in training of her own heart and body.
[ud] are you sure where my spark is? //
LOL I HAVE A SHITSTAIRS ICON (AND IT'S NOT EVEN OF WHAT YOU THINK IT WOULD BE). No but it has smoking and Michelle's freakishly gorgeous colouring and this Unity Mitford lite shit is the only thing in the entire piece that had any flavour whatsoever. Plus Claire Foy got the best wardrobe/most flattering shots, I do not mind saying. (This show is so aesthetically pleasing in its upstairs! Sorry forever its script is so shit.) This is my icon for any dubious-quality British media feelings. Or Mitford feelings, but let's be real, I talk about far more dodgy British media than I do Mitfords, because my life is sad that way.
[tdw] when pretty times arise //
ANDREAAAAAAA. ANGELICAAAAAAAAA. My very model of a historical female liberation narrative; she's successfully self-liberated without anachronism and for that I am perfectly willing to fall and kiss the ground this series walks on. Plus Andrea is gorgeous and talented and look at this fucking costume and look at this fucking sky. Historical-literature-aspirations icon. Also, appropriate for Anna Karenina posts, for REASONS (HOW DO YOU PUT THIS WOMAN IN YOUR FILM AND CAST HER AS BETSY TO KEIRA KNIGHTLEY'S ANNA? THE MAN WHO DOES THAT IS NOT A MAN I CARE TO KNOW).
[ppl] picture of my hipster soul //
Innanutshell. Fav Kat picture! I used to have a full-length negative-space-shot icon of it, but it was in black and white and the best thing about this photo is her really punchy lipstick. Anyway, Kat's my favorite and I want her to get all the jobs, plus I feel like she's the woman that would play me in the movie of my life? Girls with long faces and weird altos; it is known (I want her to do a role where she wears short hair, for wholly narcissistic face-shape reasons). I can only work to be deservingly ridiculous.
[asoiaf] citadel on the sea //
The King's Landing shots in Game of Thrones are so gorgeous I get legitimately emotional every time I see them. Where are all my feelings in Westeros physically situated? In southron castles. (WE'RE GETTING CASTERLY ROCK NEXT BOOK; I'M GOING TO BE DEAD.)
And a fic meme!
AU THREE SENTENCE MEME, RPF AND OTHERWISE: Give me multiple pairings. Give me an AU setting. I will write you a three-sentence fic.
Yep still doing this one; it is my faves and I've been getting a shit ton of mileage off it, here and on tumblr alike.