Not much

Nov 04, 2002 00:19

Today was the first day of fantasy basketball for vic and I. We had to draft players for a different league since we thought the people in the first one were cheating..hahaha. We had planned on going to see punch, drunk, love but ended up staying here playing gta and watching passions. Hopefully we will go to midland later this coming weekend ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

everyonealive November 3 2002, 22:44:02 UTC
yes you should go to midland later this week. you should also invest in a fake id so you can go see local h at the penny road pub. i'm sure they aren't that expensive.................


iristhespider November 5 2002, 21:05:36 UTC
hey mark, you need to see punch drunk love..its great!!!!


markoolio November 12 2002, 21:36:32 UTC
Yes, I will keep trying.


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