And so it begins

Oct 05, 2005 03:59

Funny how history repeats itself. Funny how I never listen. Funny how I can do so many things wrong and so little right. Funny how things work out. Funny how Iceland is green and Greenland is covered in ice. Funny how I know what I want but I choose something else. Funny how no one is awake at four in the morning. Funny that you are still ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

stupend_wes October 5 2005, 15:13:12 UTC
i'm up at 8 am.

=). stay up, big big guy.


chicagocheeks October 5 2005, 18:57:49 UTC
Funny how up until you wrote a reply to my post I was afraid to call you. Funny how my financial situation cleared up after I let things get way to wrong. Funny how I miss you more than anything. FUCK MARK! AAAHHHH!!! I NEED YOUR FRIENDSHIP!!!!

Send it in the mail please.

Much love,

P.s. Sorry that I didn't call for a while, besides being a chicken shit, I was in the hospital for a little while. Yuck, brain fluid.


lochness_lives October 6 2005, 06:27:36 UTC
funny how you're fuckin awesome.



simple_seraphim October 6 2005, 15:28:14 UTC
dont fret. you fucking awesome. you will bounce back. promise.


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