Ah, sorrow.

Dec 17, 2006 17:43

A coworker of mine was reading People magazine and I saw an advertisement that made my blood run cold. Or hot. It did SOMETHING to my blood, anyhow ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

nixorbo December 17 2006, 19:57:35 UTC

On the twelfth day of Christmas, ( ... )


barksy December 17 2006, 20:45:36 UTC
It must be Xmas, you get 9 of me!

...or hell, whatever, you decide. :P


duh ilikeblue December 26 2006, 23:18:01 UTC
News flash! I am pretty sure that you need to get out more, Mark. The right hand ring has been popular for at least 3 years now. (link: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-right-hand-rings.htm)
I agree they are lame though. It makes me upset to see women's values so easily swayed by advertising.


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