*ignores the frivolity overhead* Ahem. Good work with those grades. I'd like to take microbio, but I could nevah evah take chem. *shudders* I only barely survived it in HS! (funny, though, I still remember Kunker's 'don't take granite for granted!' and 'c u later, copper!' and 'A U! Let go of my gold!' 'cause while lame, they really DO help you remember things. Except for the granite one. I think that one was just a pun....)
Ellipse machines are cool. And the nice ones are like $1,000 I think. Yikes! We *had* an exercise bike but I stayed in the box for almost 3 months. Then we took it back and got a wii instead. More fun, more people! For other exercise, I'm *gasp* dancing. Yup. Scary stuff!
What kind of hours are you working at the shop now you're taking classes now? I bet it's impossible for another visit any time soon?
Btw, we took the Christmas tree down, but I won't let Chris pack up the other sundry decorations your mom sent out. It's so bare in here without them!
Granite was probably something you heard in earth science, not chem...
Visits look to be hard to arrange... Monday through Friday I have classes, and I intend not to miss a single class this semester, it's too important to slack off on. Friday through Sunday I work, and taking time off work is a problem for a couple of reasons. One reason is they can't spare me, we're borrowing help from other stores to cover the schedule as it is. The other reason is I don't have much money to spare, paying school bills and filling my car's tank (I'm burning 10 extra gallons of gas a week to get to and from school) on just 3 days of work a week, so if I miss one or two of those work days to drive a few hundred miles to visit, it's a double whammy.... paying gas, tolls, etc, and then getting a tiny paycheck the next week. Maybe we'll see what we can work out when school break rolls around though!
keep in mind for any of those breaks during ice season...to come ICE FISHING! :) Or we could all plan one big get together or something! Either way, I miss seeing all you guys, AND I know that ALL of you enjoy fishing! :-P Hope the classes are going well!
Comments 6
Ellipse machines are cool. And the nice ones are like $1,000 I think. Yikes! We *had* an exercise bike but I stayed in the box for almost 3 months. Then we took it back and got a wii instead. More fun, more people! For other exercise, I'm *gasp* dancing. Yup. Scary stuff!
What kind of hours are you working at the shop now you're taking classes now? I bet it's impossible for another visit any time soon?
Btw, we took the Christmas tree down, but I won't let Chris pack up the other sundry decorations your mom sent out. It's so bare in here without them!
Visits look to be hard to arrange... Monday through Friday I have classes, and I intend not to miss a single class this semester, it's too important to slack off on. Friday through Sunday I work, and taking time off work is a problem for a couple of reasons. One reason is they can't spare me, we're borrowing help from other stores to cover the schedule as it is. The other reason is I don't have much money to spare, paying school bills and filling my car's tank (I'm burning 10 extra gallons of gas a week to get to and from school) on just 3 days of work a week, so if I miss one or two of those work days to drive a few hundred miles to visit, it's a double whammy.... paying gas, tolls, etc, and then getting a tiny paycheck the next week. Maybe we'll see what we can work out when school break rolls around though!
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