character info/app for sirenspull

Dec 20, 2010 13:29

Some other person's essay about Wesley that says everything I could ever want to say about him in a much more articulate manner than I could ever write.

Player Information

Name: Ruthi
Age: 21
AIM SN: to be ruthless
Have you played in an LJ based game before? yes
Currrently Played Characters: Castiel
Conditional: Activity Check Link: I'm actually apping two characters this round, so if they're both accepted, one or the other may be the third. This is my AC for Castiel.

Character Information

Canon Source: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Canon Format: TV series
Character's Name: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Character's Age: Unknown, late twenties/early thirties.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a

What form will your character's NV take? A giant clunky cellphone from the late 90's/early 2000's.

Character's Canon Abilities: N/A
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Clairsentience. If activated, Wesley would be able to perceive the history of any object he comes into physical contact with. It could be something as getting a vision of the sweatshop a shirt he touched was made in, to seeing an accident. However, not every object can give a reading -- some are too old, or might just give simple surface readings, like seeing the last person who touched a simple object like a light switch before him. Drawbacks would include particularly strong images flooding his system and cause him to be unable to function while experiencing them.

Weapons: N/A

Character History:
Not much is known about Wesley's childhood, outside of it being unhappy and ridden with daddy issues. His whole life was laid out for him for a very young age, as both his father and grandfather were Watchers (What is a Watcher? Generally, weird British guys who follow the chosen vampire slayer of the generation around to give exposition.) and … decided for him that he would be, too. He attended an all-boys preparatory school run by the Watcher's council, where he made Head Boy. Almost immediately after finishing Watcher grad school, he was shipped off to replace Rupert Giles as Watcher to Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane.

While he knows a lot about slaying and ~the forces of darkness~ in theory, he's actually … terribly incompetent. When he first arrived, he bragged about handling two vampires "under controlled circumstances." Real life kind of kicked his ass when he was forced into a real combat situation and Giles had to save him from being eaten by vampires. He's very straight laced and by the book in his instruction to Buffy and Faith, succeeding in making both of them dislike him. Giles even encourages them to ignore his counsel.

Because of his tight-ass nature, the scoobies usually try to keep him as far out of the loop as they possibly can. The only person who shows any kind of interest in him is Cordelia. They spend a lot of time flirting with each other, culminating in him "chaperoning" at the high school prom just to be there so he can dance with her. A few days later they kiss and realize there isn't actually any kind of chemistry between them.

As a result of them not sharing anything with him, Wesley had to eavesdrop to find out that Faith had killed the deputy mayor-- mistaking him for a vampire, and then showing no remorse for doing so-- and was beginning to break away from the scoobies and go rogue. Angel had taken Faith to his home and tried to reason with her, but Wesley drove his attempt into the ground by breaking in with a special ops team sent by the Watcher's Council to arrest her. This only makes Faith's downward spiral worse, and drives her into the arms (in a surrogate fatherly way) of the Mayor, the season's big bad.

When the Mayor tried to ascend to demonhood, he sent Faith in to distract Buffy by poisoning Angel and send him on the path to a long, slow death. Wesley tries to convince the Council to intervene and help Angel, but they refuse. This disgusts Buffy so much that she severs all ties with the Council completely, becoming a renegade. Even though this technically frees him of any obligations to help, he fights alongside the Mayor alongside them. Too bad he still fails at field combat and gets taken out almost immediately. He's last seen being carried off in an ambulance, and was presumably immediately fired by the Council after showing such utter incompetence in being able to lead both Faith and Buffy.

The next time he shows up, it's in LA on a motorcycle, trailing a demon and calling himself a ~rogue demon hunter~. When he runs into Cordelia and Angel, he puts on a front and pretends that the Watcher's Council thought he should work alone, since Buffy decided not to listen to his orders. This facade shatters … in a very short amount of time. He admits that he was fired to Angel in a melodramatic monologue that never ends. Since he's pretty valuable with his demonic language skills, research skills, and general marginally less incompetent bad assery, Angel decides to take him into the Angel Investigations fold after he assists them a few more times.

Point in Canon: 1x10. Before coming to Siren's Port he was hunting a Kungai demon that was stealing special abilities from humans and other demons when he ran into Angel and Cordelia. After they solve the mystery-- it wasn't actually a Kungai demon-- and save the day, he claims he's ready to go back out into the world when it's obvious he really wants Angel and Cordelia to ask for him to stay. And thus he ... ends up in Siren's Port instead.

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:
On a surface level, Wesley seems like a lot of things: incompetent, weak, cowardly, bumbling, repressed, etc, etc, in reality he's anything but. Except maybe repressed.

From his first appearance, it's really, really easy to draw that conclusion about him. He brags about accomplishments that aren't very noteworthy at all (like his "vampire encounters") , acts like he knows more than anyone else, and basically expects the slayers to follow his orders without question. He was very dedicated to the task of being Watcher, and arguably felt compelled to cram himself into this role because of the expectations forced onto him by his father. When he's relieved of his duties, it's almost live he's transformed into a completely different person. He becomes more personable and approachable, even if having his entire purpose in life stripped out from under him leaves him feeling less sure of himself.

He's very logical and a strategist, willing to make sacrifices for the sake of achieving a victory. As he says, "You try not to get anybody killed and you wind up getting everyone killed." Because of this attitude, the scoobies see him as lacking compassion. They were seriously offended when he would rather let Willow die than give the Mayor back an object that would've helped him complete his Ascension. He sends several rebels to their deaths in Pylea by encouraging them to storm the castle so that others can infiltrate. He even kills his own father (who was actually … a cyborg clone of his father) to protect Angel and Fred. He's fiercely loyal to those he cares about, and if he has to make decisions that others would judge him for and think him ruthless, he will with minimal hesitation. Angel sums it up very succinctly: "They're wrong. You do what you have to do to protect the people around you. To do what you know is right, regardless of the cost. You know, I never really understood that. You're the guy who makes all the hard decisions, even if you have to make 'em alone."

Wesley's time on Angel Investigations does change him a lot. He starts out as an arrogant, stuffy, stereotypical Englishman, and turns into more of a sympathetic character, friendly and sometimes endearing because of what a big dumb puppy he can be. But not all of those changes are for the better. While he has his cold-hearted bastard streak from the very start, it only gets worse as the situations they face cause him to become intensely serious, humorless, and pessimistic. He pretty much runs the whole spectrum as far as personalities go. He's forced to do and endure horrible things-- for example, bringing back Angel's evil alter ego Angelus when he thinks it will give them a shot at defeating the Beast, and decapitating his lover Lilah when he thinks that Angelus has sired her (he didn't)-- , and it's understandable that he would become jaded by the circumstances he's had to face. This is especially true after Fred dies. It was pretty much the last straw as far as his sanity went, turning him into a highly mentally unstable alcoholic who was seen as a liability and a wild card. Despite any of those doubts about him, he remains loyal to the end.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game:N/A

Character Plans: Not really any specific plans in particular. He'd probably come into the game freaking out a little because he'll ... decide it's some other dimension (possibly of the hell variety), but he'll get invested in trying to ~help~ people and ... attempt to conquer monsters that lurk around the Port. With varying degrees of success.

Appearance/PB: Alexis Denisof. Shazam.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

The winds of adventure seem to have taken his rogue demon hunter to lands unknown. The lands of ... British Columbia. But fear not, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce is here. Here to vanquish whatever evils may threaten humanity once the sirens go out.

[Despite his eager words, he sounds nervous as shit.]

Third Person Sample

This was the epitome of discomfort. Wesley's leather pants were chafing, he'd woke up with his face pressed against the ... baseball diamond? And he was fairly certain he'd lost a contact lens.

That, and he didn't know the first thing about baseball.

If this was another dimension ... well, it didn't seem like a land of eternal torment, but it did seem rather uncomfortable. As he righted himself and started brushing off the dirt, he started reading the graffiti and felt a sense of dread welling up in his chest. "You're fucked now, newmeat" wasn't the most reassuring welcoming he'd ever received.

For all the game he talked, he couldn't deny that he wished Angel was there. Or ... anyone, really. Being alone wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He'd never really experienced it before now, on the account of being held in the chokehold of the Watcher's Council for his entire life. They were something to rely on. They had his back. The random happenstance of running into Angel after trying to make it on his own as a "rogue demon hunter" was a relief, more than anything.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned from anxious to frantic, reaching into his pocket for a-- where was his knife? Why didn't he have anything on him to defeat the--

completely innocuous-looking girl. Wesley heaved a sigh of relief. That certainly was ... close.
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