Just a few great moments from the show. Full report will follow as soon as I stop shaking from all the awesomeness. And that will probably not be until after Leipzig...
- the venue was not completely full, but I'd say that about 3/4 of the tickets were sold. Maybe even more.
- The stage was prety small. The platform alone took about 3/4 of the front. Poor Cha and You. XD
- As we know by now, G and Jon together is really awesome. Although where I stood, right in front of Chacha, the sound quality of the vocals was really bad. I barely understood them.
- The "gay song" is the gayest thing you've ever seen. Chacha basically laughed his ass off when we started to immitate G's and Jon's arm movement. It was just H I L A R I O U S. With all the teasing they did in the end you just had to laugh and couldn't take them seriously anymore. They felt like gay strippers on drugs.
- Vanilla. Vanilla. What can you say about this song? Total awesomeness of course. Somebody threw a bra onto the platform and after a while G got it and started playing with it. The happy girl to whom the bra belonged got some serious heart attack and screamed her lungs out when G rubbed it over his crotch. Amusingly the bra-catch got tangled up in the electronic stuff he wears shortly over his butt. He couldn't get it off and although he toyed with it a little more, the bra was basically dangling between his legs during more than half of the song. XD
- the "Show your Heart" ballad really got me. It's awesome and although I'm not the person who gets overly emotional during concerts I started to cry like a little girl. You can just FEEL that this song means a lot to the band. I hope until Leipzig people will memorize the refrain cause it would be AWESOME if we could sing it together with the band.
- One word about Jon: Yeah, he's quite good. I didn't get much of his singing but his performance was nice and he's a real sweetie. It was good to see how people cheered him on. I decided to give him some "extra push" and leaned over the barrier as far as I could to reach his hand. With a lot of waving and grinning and winking I finally got it and he smiled broadly. After that Chacha, who saw the whole thing, actually hugged him and smiled at him as if he wanted to say: "See, you're a part of us. They accept you." Well, mission accomplished, I'd say. :-)
- And seriously guys, I just have to confess: I'm a Chacha girl from now on. Gackt is truly amazing. He's the king, we know that and we don't doubt it but Chacha. He was barely 2 meters away from me and it was amazing to watch his performance. On the one hand, he does this little private Chacha show on his side, playing his guitar as if it was a woman's body and cheering people on and pushing them higher and higher. On the other hand, he always looked at Gackt, always seemed to know what was perfect for G at the very moment, he was SO attentive and ready to let G shine as much as possible. Chacha is a great musician and I think a great man in general. I'm sure he COULD be quite sucessful as a solo artist. For me it's a sign of true greatness that he stays with Gackt and supports him. Plus, watching Chacha on stage... you really have the impression as if this concert was REALLY special to him. As if he had waited for years to do this one show. I'm convinced that he performed similarly during the other concerts and that is just truly amazing. He makes you feel as if you (the fans) gave him much more than he gave us in return. Plus, all the eyesex you can have with this man is FREAKING AMAZING.
- the band arrived really early. Like around 8am. What the f*ck did they do in there the whole day??
- this is a litte weird but... I was wearning Cha's shirt around my neck during the drive home cause it just SMELLED SO GOOD. What perfume is that guy using?? I need it! Or more like: My boyfriend needs it *lol*. And now, my hair still smells like Chacha.... *sighs and dies happily*
Conclusion: Was it better than last year? Well, it was different. The crowd was much more relaxed just like the band and that helped a lot. I'd almost say that, yes for me it was better. It felt more like family. I met some known faces, both old and new and we had a great time celebrating together. Can't wait to go to Leipzig.
(The fact that Chacha and I had some very flirty moments, I caught his hands once, got one of his picks, he blew me some kisses and I got half of his shirt probably also added a lot to the awesomeness of the evening. Oh AND the fact that the flying bra during Vanilla was mine... ;-))