Title: Eight and Eighth
Author: Marmalade Fever
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and more.
Genres: Romance, Drama, weird combo of in-Hogwarts and post-Hogwarts, and Humor. I can't write a fanfic without humor leaking its way in.
Spoilers: DH (though no epilogue)
Overall Rating: PG-13
Summary: Up from the ashes of seventh year grow the
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Comments 22
Hahaha! XD Oh, Ermengarde for the win. \o/
fondly holding her hand as he stared blearily into space, twitching occasionally at the slightest noise from the cradle
That is a weirdly adorable image. XD
Two-year-old Ermie is pretty adorable, too. :D
YAY the end. :D I think that's kind of... the perfect way to do it, with the realization that things can work and probably will. :)
I... vote no on a sequel, 'cause sometimes good things should be let to rest, but... I'm sure you'll get the obligatory beggars. XD
Aww, adorable things!
Thanks. :) I tried to work in the whole closure thing. lol Plus Ron.
Sequels... I really don't know why people ask for them most of the time. Like I said above, if there's something left unresolved, sure, but otherwise? What is there to write? Last time I wrote as sequel, I ended up having an alternate reality and human slavery. O_o
I liked the closure! :D And it seemed very natural, which was nice. ^^
Exactly! XD "Write more on the same topic you just wrote an entire fic about!" XD ...and oh my, that is quite something. XD I usually just recruit the Original Character Brigade and send them all trooping in for assistance. XD
That was a great story Marmy. I'm glad you wrote it and I'm glad I read it. Draco and Hermione were awesome in this story! They developed really well. And the McGonagall/babies this was adorable. :DDDD
Thank you for the approval! :D I think this was definitely my most successful fic, as far as character development goes.
You've got awesome writing skills, Marm! Every chapter has been well thought-out, each character given much life and the plot has become really interesting, with the eventful addition of Erm, everything just falls (fell, still can't believe it's over) into place.
Kudos, Marm! :)
Thank you! :D I'm so glad it turned into something. I mean, I started out with barely even a plot idea, and just sort of went with it. lol
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