At home from a night of fun. Kinda drunk but, kinda not. Don't know how to explain it. I'm tired. But, still drying off from my shower a few minutes ago. Can't go to bed with club stink on me now can i ?!?!?! haha.. Anyway, see below for pics from the night o' fun. also, check out the photoblog to see u2 stuff. That concert was the bizzzoommmb.
Mips and Me (AWWWWW, I love her - she might be my cousion but, she's like my sister. *tear*)
Mips and Sam - Get down with your bad selves.
Sam where the hell where you? Oh wait, were you taking the pic?
Awww.. Sam's 25 now. I'm next. NOooOOoOO!!!!
And Candice Drunk off her ass. One Of the bestest pics i think!
(Notice to all readers. I don't know why came out decent in these pictures. If you ever see me don't expect me to look like that. HA!)
P.S. - Today was CRAZZZYYY running around looking for clothes shit for missy's class thing. Kinda sad and pathetic as nothing was purchased for it but spent most of our day looking for it!!! SUCKED i tell you. Didn't see Amanda or Ub today. That sucked too.. told them I would and just didn't get around to it due to the runnign around shit. For that I am sorrry and hopefully they don't kill me the next time i see them. :\ And didn't go to the torres bday party either because of it.. i 'm just shitty with time management it seems like. Oh and when we did get home at i dunno 7 i fell asleep from 8 till 10:30. Ahh, i'm a loser.