Goinked from pigeon-maiden!
▶ 今まで最も描いたと思われるキャラは▶(版権創作どちらも)
▶ What is the character you've drawn the most▶ (Can be original or fanart)
Huh...I think it's probably my Vodka (though I love drawing Hyena and Nathaniel alot too XD). Fanart...definitely Tezuka *nod*
▶ 何色をよく使いますか?
▶ What colour do you often use?
I definitely like my black and white the most (shuttup, I consider them colors). If it doesn't count...I like using slate, champagne, red, and warm skin tones
▶ 使うのが苦手な色があれば。
▶ Any colour you are bad at using?
Hm...I bad at using complementary colors--I hate putting them together
▶ 人物を描く際に、何処から描き始めますか?
▶ When drawing people, where do you start?
Always ALWAYS the head. Then I suppose I start detailing in eyes and features...
▶ 消しゴムのカスさえ愛せるキャラクターは?
▶ What is a character only your eraser will love?
Uh...girls. Definitely girls.
▶ 完成までに一番時間が掛かった作品は?
▶ Which of your works took the longest time?
Maybe Wallstreet? It's 19x22 and I keep on taking long breaks before going back into it
▶ 絵が上手くなりたい時は、どんな手段を使う?
▶ What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing?
I normally stare at artworks that I really like and test out different parts of styles. I also study whatever anatomy/fashion I'm looking at and watch lots of videos of people doing what I'm trying to draw.
▶ この絵を回してくれた人の絵の感想は?
▶ What do you think of the art of the person who gave you this picture?
I think there's definitely personality in it and not moe, which is good XD! Nice inkworking!
▶ 自分の得意な画材は?
▶ What art tools/media are you good with?
I always use mechanical pencils (the never-ending sharpness!) and I adore my copics. Definitely a marker/ink fan. I can use coloured ink and guache too...and I use Open Canvas when I'm cging
▶ 苦手な画材は?
▶ Art tools/media you are bad at?
Hm...I'm not too good with tones or digital inking. SUCK with painter and have a hate war with photoshop. I don't know if it counts but I can't do lighting with my copics >:
▶ 自分の絵に対してどう思う?
▶ What do you think about your own art?
Blegh. I feel like I'm shittily rusty and generic. I've been working on improving but it's a snail's pace...either don't have time or don't feel like it. I need to work on anatomy, perspective, sequential, dramatic lighting...list goes on.
▶ 雑誌を参考にしたりしますか?
▶ Do you consult magazines for your drawings?
Hm...usually online sources though I'll look through fashion mags for design ideas.
▶ 自分の絵で好きな処はありますか?
▶ What do you like about your art?
Hm...I have manly men? I'm starting to become a little more fond of my hands and fashion design.
▶ 絵を描く時についしてしまう癖は?
▶ What habits do you have while drawing?
Unfortunately if I don't finish a picture within 4 hours I usually don't like working on it anymore...but huh, I listen to music and stare intently until I finish. Apparently I also lift up the pinky on my right hand (I'm a lefty) which I find weird and I didn't notice until a classmate pointed it out oO
▶ 右向きの顔を描くのは得意ですか?
▶ Are you good at drawing faces facing right?
I think I'm an ambi-turner XD
▶ どの位の頻度で絵を描きますか?
▶ How frequently do you draw?
I...uh only draw maybe once or twice a month *wince* probably why I'm rusty
▶ スランプの時の対処は?
▶ What do you do when you have artist's block?
I usually look at more art...or stare into space like a brainless zombie.
▶ 絵を描く際に必要な物はありますか?
▶ What must you have when you draw?
Pencil, something hard under my paper. And...that's about it really. Sufficient lighting?
▶ 主線は迷い線が多いですか?
▶ Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)?
Yup XD. Friends have bitched about my sketchyness.
▶ 自分にとって絵を描く事は?
▶ What is drawing to you?
A hobby
▶ 今後の目標
▶ Your goal from now on
Improve on comic drawing, inking, and cging. Master copic lighting because I can't do it for the life of me. Get better at feet and hands. Be able to draw penis without turning red. Draw porn?
▶ あなたが影響を受けた絵師さんは?
▶ Artists you've had influence from?
Alot here and there. A couple of years ago, Tashigi was my main influence XD. I'm a big fan of nyanko-chan's works as well so I drew a little from her. Nanao Bohra is a hero of mine as well as Kazuya Minekura. I also like Kubo Tite's hip and edgy look. Kohta Hirano I adore for his heavy blacks and ability to fuck with anatomy and make it look hot.
▶ 自分の好きな絵師さんは?
▶ Artists you like?
Listed above
▶ 人と動物どちらが書きやすいですか?
▶ Which is easier to draw, humans or animals?
I'm actually good with both though I haven't drawn animals in a while XD I used to be one of those girls who drew nothing but animals. In fact I couldn't draw people AT ALL until about the...end of 8th to 9th grade
▶ 今まで描いた自作漫画のタイトルを教えて下さい
▶ Please tell us the title(s) of your own comic(s)
Uh...working title, Roulette? (*still need to find a better one)
▶ 昔の絵を見せびらかして下さい。
▶ Show us an old picture
http://marourin.deviantart.com/art/Oriyafanart-613559 *shudder* S-So old @_@ 2002~!
▶ 自分の絵のチャームポイントは?
▶ What is the charm-point of your art?
Maybe my shitty sketchy lines XD
▶ ファンタジーと言えば、真っ先にどんな生き物を描きますか?
▶ What is the first thing you would draw if we're talking about fantasy?
Armour. Lots and lots of armour and twisted beasties
▶ 一発書きで自分が最も愛を注いでいるキャラを描いて下さい。
▶ Please draw your most beloved character:
*blush* I haven't drawn him in years...
▶ キャラクターを考える時によく思いつくのは女?男?性別無し?
▶ When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex?
Male. Definitely male. Particularly after BJJ I've been inspired by all the different builds of the boys there.
▶ 昨日は何の絵を描きましたか。
▶ What did you draw yesterday?
Uh...maybe a Gintama retard doodle?
▶ 一番描くのが楽しい部位はどこですか
▶ What is the funnest part to draw?
The clothes and hair probably.
▶ 他人の絵で一番最初に見てしまうところはどこですか?
▶ What part of other people's drawings do you notice first?
Anatomy and markmaking (*hates shiney art for lack of markmaking*)
▶ 背景を描く際に、つけげ道にしてしまう書きやすいものってなんですか?
▶ Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw?
Hm...I draw the background first? Or at least I cg it first. I don't usually do bgs...I also look at lots of refs and do sketches to figure out the environment if it's used more than once.
▶ 好きな配色は何ですか?
▶ What colour coordinations do you like?
I like high contrasting colors and warm tones.
▶ 一番最近描いたキャラは?
▶ What character did you last draw?
Hijitaka from Gintama XD
▶ 絵柄は変わりやすいですか?
▶ Does your style change easily?
It does...it used to be impossible to tell my guys were guys XD. My eyes shrunk alot and the guys are getting beefier!
▶ 描くときに気をつけている、気合を入れる部分はどこですか?
▶ What part of drawing do you pay most attention to?
Markmaking probably
▶ How do you feel about drawing H pictures?
I turn red whenever I draw them ;; I wish I were better
▶ 人に絵を評論されるのは好きですか?
▶ Do you like criticism from others?
Yeah and I wish I got more constructive crit
▶ how many people do you normally draw per artwork?
1...I hate multipeople pics XD
Tag to whoever!