Title: I Like It Rough
Genre: Smut
Pairing(s): USUK
Rating/Warnings: Yaoi, sex, rough sex
Summary: It's a hard life and England has had to live through it. How does this affect his relationship with America?
England could have easily pushed away America’s love if he had wanted to. He was a former empire after all, and America had made it very clear that he didn’t want England to be in a relationship with him if it wasn’t what England wanted. Even if America overshadowed him as a world power, England still had his own essence, his own shine. Even though America could easily take anyone he wanted, he asked England if the Brit would have him.
Even though England could easily hold all the power in the relationship, all the power over America, he was lying on his bed, their bed, surrounded by tissues, with the door to the bedroom locked. America was outside banging on the door asking England to unlock it, but England wouldn’t let him in. England shouldn’t have even let him into his heart at all in the first place. He certainly wasn’t going to let his lover see him in such a state of weakness. Life was hard, and love was even harder regardless of what that blasted frog said. England believed that love was probably the hardest thing in the world. Though his own heart was hard in its own way. Loving England was very hard and very painful. Loving him was like chewing on pearls.
Eventually England pulled himself together, unlocked the door and pulled America into the bedroom. America displayed his concern for England, but the Englishman roughly silenced America’s anxiety with a sloppy needy kiss, full of teeth and tongue, the kind America could never resist from his British lover. Even though England had broken down earlier he still wanted, no, needed his fix. He needed America. He needed sex. He needed America inside him.
England stopped America’s grab for the lube, practically shoving the younger man’s finger inside of him. America looked briefly confused, then worried and tried to use his other hand to reach the lube. England batted that one down as well and told America that he wanted it like this, just them, nothing else. America hesitated until England pushed another one of America’s fingers into him and began to stretch himself with America’s hand. Then America softly kissed England on the lips, ignoring how England demandingly bit America’s lower lip, as he took over preparing England himself.
It wasn’t until America began thrusting forcefully into him that the Brit was thankful America had taken the time to prepare him rather than just thrusting in as England would have requested earlier. It was painful, perhaps even a little too rough. But England was tough, he could take it. The pain just reassured him that this was really happening, that America was really here.
England hadn’t even realized he’d been crying until America, golden America, had tenderly wiped away the silver tears that had escaped down the Englishman’s cheeks. The pain was more than he was used to, and he had been unknowingly crying because of it, but still England couldn’t get enough, screaming for America to go harder, faster, deeper. England was hardhearted He needed the pain to feel the sex and to have a better idea of what love and lust were supposed to be. Loving England was like straightening curls; his lovers were usually driven away by his stubbornness and difficulty.
As America thrust violently into England, causing the Brit more of the pain that he craved, England wondered why he liked sex rough. There was a good chance he wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for weeks after this round, and yet he knew he would be happily having his lover pound him into the mattress, or perhaps the floor, tomorrow night. Stupid America, making him wonder about this. It really shouldn’t matter why, he just liked it rough.
England knew that he was desirable. He, like America, could probably have any other nation as a lover. He couldn’t understand why America would risk their relationship by trying to get the stubborn Brit to talk about his problems. Why did America want to blow their relationship? England was certainly less stressed without having to worry about America finding out about his formerly hidden love for the lad, and the sex was good and very very often. What could possibly be wrong?
England secretly admitted to himself that one of the definite perks of having America as his lover was that the younger man was rough even when he didn’t mean to be. His strength made it so that even when he tried to be gentle, which wasn’t very often because England would quickly put a stop to it, there was still some roughness to it. So when he thrust into England as fast and deep and hard as he could, it was deliciously violent, exactly like England wanted.
Maybe that was partially why England liked it rough so much: he knew America didn’t mean it, even if the pain the younger man caused the Englishman had been demanded by England himself. Or perhaps it was because he didn’t feel the pain that he was supposed to feel unless the sex was rough, maybe it was because he was so hardhearted he was afraid that if the sex didn’t hurt he wouldn’t feel anything at all.
The next morning England awoke to find the bed empty, his American lover nowhere in sight. He winced as he sat up, the events of last night making it very painful for him to move. Why did he enjoy this pain so much? He knew he wasn’t a masochist, so why?
America entered the room wearing only the boxers he’d worn the previous night and carrying a mug of tea and a bottle of painkillers. England gratefully accepted the tea and medicine from his lover. He then opened the bottle and took some pills. He looked at America’s face, the normally bright smile replaced by a look of loving concern, and tried to tell the other nation just how much he appreciated and loved him, but the words caught in his throat. He was too hardhearted to say all that he desperately wanted to tell his lover, so he chastely kissed America’s lips instead, hoping that the younger nation would understand.
England felt so guilty about his emotional armor that he didn’t complain when America told him that he was not going to be on the bottom for at least a week or when America suggested that next time they should do it slowly and gently. England looked into America’s tender and loving sapphire eyes and realized that maybe he was hurting America and their relationship by shutting his lover out of his heart.