dear mr. grissom, i'm a firstbase men for an AL team, and i really like our catcher...but the thing is, our catcher is kinda "together" with our shortstop...and i mean me and the catcher, we're SO close and really good friend, me and the SS too...but im in love with the catcher and i keep telling myself i need to move on...but i CANT, i just CANT...::sulks::...what should i do?
-unrequited lover
Dear unrequited lover,
Never call me Mr. Grissom. It is Marquis or Grip. Never Mr. Grissom. I think that you should rub out the shortstop or make the shortstop break up with the catcher so that you can be a shoulder to cry on. Or kill yourself. I suggest the latter.
I haven't posted in a while because, well, I got a job. A better job. Some of you may laugh. Some of you may say some mean things. Some of you may be hit by my car soon. The point is, I got a job and I like it. Where is it you all ask? Hot Topic. I work at Hot Topic. I don't have to be nice to anyone and disaffected youths don't like baseball, so no one is making fun of me. It's great. And I can sleep in the back room. No one even notices that I am gone. It's great. I even got to throw spikes at someone yesterday! Sure, it was a spike bracelet, but it was so worth it. I'm getting a little tired of the crap music they play though. When I first walked in there I was like, "What bullshit is this?" but I've grown used to it with the help of earplugs.
Also, apparently Home Depot wouldn't hire me because I have something on my record about running people over with golf carts from one of my last jobs before I was a baseball player... yeah... whatever. I don't need them.