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timeandtides rpg only.]
name; Dagger
personal lj;
usagi_no_himemessenger; drunk poetry
e-mail; chibiandor[at]hotmail[dot]com
character; Marquis Halim Ondore IV
series; Final Fantasy XII
age; Approximately late 50s
class; Chemist
special abilities;
As apart of his class, the Marquis is capable of creating various items by mixing the rare ingredients in order to create powerful potions. His knack for potion lore is uncommon by others of different classes and is his strongest asset within battle. Armed with a short platinum dagger with a slightly curved blade, chemists are decent within battle but lack the same offensive capability of a Knight or Paladin. For whatever power or skill Ondore lacks with his blade, he makes it up with his intelligence and strategic mind.
As a side note, the Marquis is quite a storyteller and happens to be very fond of literature.
history; The Marquis History (add link)
personality; Just like his name suggests, Marquis Halim Ondore IV is a regal ruler with a chivalrous heart who devotes himself loyally to his homeland. Hailing from Old Valendian blood, Ondore is the fourth marquis to rule over the floating city and much like his predecessors, he has his work cut out for him. The Marquis is a shrewd and intelligent individual, a man of great wisdom who is aware of both his duty and his place within the world.
During times of peace, Ondore is a genial man with a kind smile and a reserved demeanor. Believing in a more pacifistic approach towards conflict and war, the Marquis may seem like a weak individual towards though who expect a warlike king. However, let it be known that the Marquis is not a feeble old man like the Empire thinks of him but rather a very calculating monarch who will stop at nothing to quell the wars that may come knocking upon his door. His first and primary creed is to Bhujerba itself; Ondore will not sacrifice his people’s safety frivolously. To do so would mar him in disgrace and damn his prominent lineage.
Carrying both the will of Bhujerba along with the burdens of Dalmasca took a heavy toll upon Ondore’s conscious once a traitorous plot forged by the Empire killed King Raminas, his good friend. With every reason to go to war with Archades, the Marquis chose not to out of respect for his late friend and out of grievance for the loss of his niece. His pacifistic nature led him to play as the negotiator for Dalmasca’s surrender, proving that he is truly a gentle soul. Although, as years continued Ondore became dissatisfied in his gentleness and dared to have Bhujerba bare their fangs against the Empire with the aid of the resistance.
Quiet in nature, it would be unwise for anyone to consider him timid or shy. He plays the voice of reason during conflicts great and small, and gives himself fully to his people’s trust. While it is quite possible that there is a man emotionally torn by the brutality of war, there is no one who can see past the majestic air the Marquis exudes. Not quick to anger even during the most daunting of times, Ondore certainly lives up to the expected charm and characteristics of his ancestors while being a stellar role model for future heirs.
point in canon; Post-Final Fantasy XII, after the near catastrophic crash of the Sky Fortress, Bahamut, on Dalmascan soil.