I wrote one...I wrote one

Apr 27, 2006 22:57

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1) Is browneydgirl8 an emo? a tickle me emo
2) What comic book character would elostiriel be? Shakesperia
3) What word best describes cats_n_crying?
4) Are elostiriel and browneydgirl8 going out? they've never met...or have they?
5) Thoughts on ortugatay? short
6) What flavor of jello would fishymcb be? sexy! Sexy's a flavor.
7) Does browneydgirl8 have a crush on cobaltanaphase? TOTALLY
8) Is kkstar211 friends with cobaltanaphase? hahahahhahaha
9) What mental disorder does elostiriel remind you of? Shakesperia
10) What is browneydgirl8's biggest flaw? She has no flaws....
11) Would you set up testopolis and cobaltanaphase? only in my head
12) Is devite in a relationship? with his hand, yes
13) What would you do if ortugatay died? pour whiskey on her grave
14) Does ortugatay travel a lot? well, she just died in the last question...so ...maybe?
15) Does devite have a dog? yes, yes he does
16) What is elostiriel's favorite movie? Shakesperia
17) How long would devite dating cobaltanaphase last? actually, maybe for a bit...5 minutes
18) Would morganashkevron go out with elostiriel? No, no.
19) Where would browneydgirl8 most like to visit? My pants
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