Jul 13, 2010 00:01
- 09:18 What part of "local retailer" did you miss, JHB. I need buttons now not 3 weeks from now. #
- 09:32 @ 21121 shit to do today, man. Shoes, buttons, losing my mind. #
- 09:53 Does no one in fabric & crafts use sku inventory? This is ridiculous. #
- 09:53 RT @evrythingmustgo: Your enthusiasm and unbridled passion for what's possible is annoying the shit out of me. #
- 09:55 I am going to march down to JHB and just demand that they sell me the damn buttons even though I'm not a wholesale customer. #
- 09:55 You have buttons, I have money. Your stupid wholesale customers don't sell the buttons I want but I know you assholes have them. #
- 09:57 Substitute "Ruffles" for "Methuselah". RT @blonde_vixen So tired of hearing Ruffles cough up hairballs everyday. #
- 10:43 This is what I said. RT @SnarkyNerdette: ..."Twilight Fanfiction Author Fangroup". What. #SDCC #
- 11:29 @ OctoberOwl I had to email JHB 3 times & then they gave her my number. #
- 11:43 @ OctoberOwl yeah. #
- 11:47 Wow. RT @frozenfoxfire: "New members is acquired to add 1 new pic". #
- 11:52 @ frozenfoxfire hey is your thing @ longmont theatre company again? We're going to try & make it #
- 11:53 @ OctoberOwl if that woman calls me back & tells me where to meet her, yes, Jack will have Salsburg buttons on his coat. #
- 11:54 @ OctoberOwl I wanted to order actual RAF buttons but they were really expensive. :( #
- 11:54 @ frozenfoxfire is that on Main or...? #
- 11:58 @ frozenfoxfire I'm *pretty* sure I know where it is. Give it to me anyway. Is this a dress-nicely show or come as you are kinda thing? #
- 12:26 @ OctoberOwl $13-$18 per button. #
- 13:48 @ OctoberOwl That sounds awkward. #
- 14:35 I had to call the button lady back and be like "wtf when are we meeting pls". BUT I am now enroute for buttons. #
- 14:36 @ _Amy1213 congrats. :D #
- 14:37 @ timey_wimey_kid pics? I haven't seen it. #
- 14:38 @ OctoberOwl that is AWESOME #
- 14:47 Waiting in the Rite Aid parking lot for the button lady. #
- 14:51 I need to charge my phone. #fml #
- 14:55 I HAVE A BUTTON PROBLEM OK??! RT @happysorceress: @14112 That sounds like code for something far more sinister. Or illegal. #
- 14:59 .@ 21121 & I like to say "Hello Temposhark" every time "The River" (by temposhark) comes on. :D #dork #ihavebuttons #
- 15:00 BUTTON CRISIS AVERTED! #sdcc #
- 15:00 I DO, BITCHES RT @OctoberOwl: @14112 *dies laughing* button button, whose got the button.... #
- 15:03 I NEED THEM OKAY?! /huffhuff RT @frozenfoxfire: ...I am really starting to worry about @14112's button obsession. #
- 15:06 Just did a back alley deal for #buttons twitpic.com/24raqo #
- 15:18 Thank you. I'm quite proud of myself. RT @evil15smiles: @14112 Those are the most sketchily acquired buttons ever. Kudos. #
- 15:21 I am so much happier now that I have no shame in listening to the awful music that I love. :D #
- 15:43 I just charged 38 cents to my debit card. It cost them more to process that than I spent. #
- 15:44 @ evil15smiles I think @21121 woke up feelin' like p diddy this morning. She is rockin' it. #
- 15:45 Every time my phone rings I feel like a winner. #finalfantasy #
- 16:39 @ natsukoi money rains from the sky? #
- 16:41 I wish I had a fedora to hide the fact that I cut my hair & won't be rockin' it with @21121 & @choujiinator tonight. #
- 16:41 A hat's not a hat 'til it's tilted. #
- 16:44 @ evil15smiles I would be HONOURED to borrow FREE HAT #
- 16:53 @ evil15smiles very awesome. #
- 16:53 @ natsukoi awesome. Congrats. Happy birthday. #
- 17:01 Headin' to L-town. In rush hour. :D #
- 17:03 The 90's just threw up all over in this car. #
- 17:19 @ 5metres I'm going to Longmont. Where are you going? #
- 17:29 RT @_Amy1213: You know what? For once i fucking love my life. #
- 17:39 @ kristen_1213 /jealous #
- 17:57 @ kristen_1213 yeah, jealous. #
- 17:58 @ _Amy1213 happy birthday. You're both making me feel old. @kristen_1213 #
- 18:00 @ evil15smiles I'll read it but I have to do it later. You can email it if you want. #
- 18:01 @ evil15smiles mars.ov.war@gmail.com #
- 18:13 That's the second person that has tried to get hit by our car. What's wrong with people in Longmont?! #
- 18:14 @ evil15smiles sure thing. #
- 18:22 Sitting outside the theatre company and not wearing a hat. /sad #
- 18:30 @ theminiwheat that sounds like it would kill you. #
- 18:37 "Right now I am 62 years old & overweight, according to my Wii". Not something I'd brag about #
- 18:37 @ evil15smiles hey, we decided to go in b/c it's way too hot outside #
- 18:54 @ theminiwheat amazing. #
- 18:56 Crouching Penguin, Hidden Batman. #movieswithbatman @theminiwheat @cazrolime #
- 19:00 A break from costumes 2 support a friend twitpic.com/24sxd0 #
- 19:15 @ piperdox IT WAS A ROBOT HEAD #
- 21:09 @ 5metres haha. I figured that was where you were going. #
- 21:48 RUN FASTER @evil15smiles. RUN FASTER!!! #
- 23:38 Standing in the alley behind the theatre with @21121 @frozenfoxfire @choujiinator @evil15smiles & @bentlemen. #
- 23:40 I can't rememeber the last time I enjoyed myself this much. #
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