Well i'm here bore out o fmy mind with nothing to do.I was going to go out wiht my sis but then she started feeling real bad.SO ppplz i'm suck here so bad.And for some reason I hate all of you for being out somewhere and just having a good time.Ofcourse i dont mean the hatred but right now I so do.I guess being alone aint that pretty right Michi?
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Comments 6
2)Harry POTTER DUH!!!ANd SOng "ANgel"
3)SHoot Everything
5)Ur freaking attitude in Comp. Graphics on that preoject(LOL)
6)" I'll catch you as you'll fall"
7)Do YOu Love me?????And ARe we gonna Be best friends forever and ever until we'll die?????
8. If I do this for
you, you must post this on your journal.
That's 2 questions.
Duh I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Always and for ever and thensome =)))
2)"Tipsy"lol and the notebook for movie wise.
3)We should hang out more often and do........lol
4)The stick Byotch
5)5th period in freshman year when we rip each other apart....lol
6)"In this world you cant go looking for the thing you want most,instead let it find you so you can cherish it more as it involves or unfolds in your heart and mind."
7)Can we stay togethere forever?
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