Well did more work on my short "Lesbian Rhapsody" included some ideas that 'Les had.
I took it to playcafe and was pleasantly surprised at positive response. So going to send it to Marin and hopefully stage this puppy.
Lesbian Rhapsody
By Carol Marshall
Judy: 25-40ish
Susie: 25-40ish
Props: some DVDs, wine bottle and glasses, chairs to sit on, something to look like a TV
Opening, Judy is sitting at home, knock on door lets Susie in.
Susie: Sorry I’m late…
Judy: No problem, I was just having coffee
Susie: What a day
Judy: What?
Susie: Oh, it’s Greg again. I mean would it kill him to be on time for once? And I mean here he makes ME late to meet you…
Judy: You keep saying that, the man will never change.
Susie: Do they ever, and he’s hooked on the ESPN again…
Judy: I mean if I could get Dave to pick up his socks, I would be a happy woman
Susie: And I mean to get him to go …anywhere on the weekends, it’s impossible.
Judy: Tell me about it. Dave won’t budge.
They both sigh
Judy: You know why couldn’t we be born lesbians? They really have it made..
I mean having a relationship with a woman is so much easier.
Susie: I know!
Judy: I mean woman are just more reasonable and mature. I mean YOU I can count on.
Susie: YOU are reasonable, and responsible
Judy: And you are actually clean
Susie: You return favors, without just grunting
Judy: You make me feel appreciated
Susie: WE can actually communicate
Judy: It’s a sad state of things that’s for sure
(they both sigh)
Judy: So we just lost the luck of the draw
Susie: Wait so you are saying Lesbians are born not made
Judy: of course…at least I think….. I mean I am no expert here…
Susie: Well I am sure SOME are born and others are made, you know nature nurture
Judy; Yeah…like I am (fill in hair color here) and my Mom is (fill in hair color here…) But I am more outgoing, I think cause of my generation, than my Mom. My world forced me to be more self reliant.
Susie: Right so you adapted to the times…
Judy: Yes, I evolved…
(Pause…they stop and look at each other)
Susie: So…we could maybe…make ourselves lesbians
Judy: Why not? I mean I can MAKE a cake can’t I? I redefined myself through self improvement many times… Why can’t I completely change my sexual orientation?
I mean if I just BELIEVE…
Susie: Well..what do lesbians do?
Judy: Well I have heard of dikes on bikes, we could get a Harley
Susie: Yeah…and a few…ah tattoos…
Judy: I would have to cut my hair
Susie: Wait…that’s all stereotypes… what about the really important thing?
Judy: What?
Susie: You know that…we actually be attracted to women
Judy: Who says we have to be attracted to them?
Susie: Well I mean if we are going to do…you know?
Judy: Hey I was never attracted to my first husband and we still…you know’d
Susie: So we could just go through the motions
Judy: Sure like we don’t sometimes anyways…
Susie: No, I can’t do that, I mean for TOO long
Judy: So maybe we can make ourselves get attracted to women
Susie: How?
Judy: You know the same way I got attracted to Dave, alcohol and a good movie
Susie: Sure why not?
Judy: Let’s try it
Susie: What now?
Judy: Sure what do you have (looks at Susie’s DVD’s)
Susie: Well Joe Vs the Volcano always gets me hot
Judy looks at her funny
Susie: oh right you don’t have the Tom Hanks thing…alright well …there’s North by Northwest, I mean Cary Grant was SO hot in that…
Judy: Oh right yeah that’s it, now what booze do you have?
Susie: Ah not much, I think I have some left over Chardonnay
Judy: Oh hell it will work
(they pour the wine and put in movie and start to watch)
Susie: Wait…we are watching a Cary Grant movie
Judy: Yeah so…
Susie: We are watching a Cary Grant movie to make ourselves Lesbians?
(pregnant pause)
Judy: Ok, the absurdity isn’t lost on my…yeah it won’t work.
Susie: Do you have any Marilyn Monroe movies?
Judy: No, oh let’s forget the movie, why not just some music, you know to get in the mood?
Susie: Good idea…
(she puts on music)
Susie: Let’s dance…this will be fun…
Judy: Sure
(they begin to dance…Judy gets sort of seductive but it’s not in a good way)
Susie: What are you doing?
Judy: I’m trying to get…affectionate
Susie: You call THAT affectionate?
Judy: Well at least I am putting in some effort here, you are just dancing
Susie: Well I was hoping the spirit would just move me
Judy: you never take the lead…I always have to do it
Susie: Ok Ok,…I’ll try harder
(Susie puts her hand on Judy’s ass or something)
Judy: That’s it? What I am suppose to get excited from that?
Susie: Well what else am I suppose to do?
Judy: GRAB it…or something
Susie: Like this! (Grabs her)
Judy: Sort of…but not really
(the dancing is getting more awkward, Susie tries to slow things down a bit)
Judy: Ah the romantic angle
Susie: What do you mean angle? Doesn’t that matter at all any more?
Judy: Oh come on simmer down
(Susie looks at her; the looks get awkward but funny…)
Susie: Do we have to talk the entire time, maybe if we let things happen…
(more awkward silences)
Judy: You know …in this light…you really look…
Susie: What…
Judy: There is this cuteness about you. You know like my first cocker spaniel
Susie: What?
Judy: Well that didn’t come out quite right…but you know what I mean
Susie: No I am afraid I don’t
Judy: Well you know cute…
(they stop…and look at each other again, one sips more wine…and then they slowly lean into an awkward kiss… Judy starts to giggle…Susie is much more into it…)
Susie: Well if you are going to laugh
Judy: Sorry
(they try again..more giggles…kiss happens)
Judy: So…what do we do now?
Susie: Well I guess we….
Judy: This isn’t working
Susie: But you didn’t give it a chance…come on, I think I have some
Cooking Sherry somewhere…
Judy: It’s just not working…
Susie: We can try again…
Judy: Perhaps…
Susie: I suppose that’s my fault
Judy: I didn’t say that did I?
Susie: I mean if I was more HOT you might be all turned out and your problems would be solved…. So it’s all ME
Judy: Oh come on don’t’ be ridiculous
Susie: Admit it…will you?
Judy: You always have to push things don’t you?
Susie: Me? What about you? Ohhh let’s become lesbians… just watch a movie and drink
Judy: hey it worked before
Susie: So again you are saying it’s me
Judy: I didn’t say that
Susie: You know I was having a perfectly good afternoon til you brought all this up
(Pregnant pause)
Judy: I can’t believe we are fighting we never fight
Susie: no we don’t
Judy: Gosh the minute you bring sex into ANYTHING it makes it impossible for
People to get along
Susie: It’s true
Judy: You know what, forget it. Let’s just forget the whole thing.
Susie: Just like that?
Judy: I mean if I can’t get along with you, I will have no one to talk to during
Football season
Susie: Well we have that
Judy: Is that so bad?
Susie: Hell no
Judy: Could be worse
Susie: Yeah I mean our husbands aren’t so bad
Judy: I am getting into stock car racing more and more
Susie: I can handle a few socks here and there
Judy: So he’s late…so what? Big deal
Susie: Yeah no bodies perfect
Judy: Come on you wanna do some shopping?