Title: Like A Grenade Forged On Krypton
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel with a healthy dose of Fabang (Mike/Quinn) bromance.
Fandom: Glee
Author: Amie
HERESpoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Glee, they belong in Ryan Murphy's toy box.
Word Count: 1673
Rating: PG for now, may change, but I doubt it.
Summary: Quinn gets assigned as
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Comments 22
BWAHAHAHAH!!! That would be the awesomest pick-up line in the history of pick-up lines. I absolutely loved it. Best thing I've read all day.
Nerd/flustered!Quinn is one of my favourites. And I've always loved the idea of a Quinn/Mike relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic.
All in all, two very enthusiastic thumbs up.
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