[ Queen of Hearts Application | OOC ]

Nov 20, 2020 21:18

Player Information
Name: Milo
Personal Journal: milo1047
Contact Info: AIM: milo1047
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Rei Hino
Source Canon: Sailor Moon
Age: 14
Role In Canon: Major supporting character, The Lancer of the Sailor Senshi.
Justification: N/A

History: Rei’s early history is not entirely exact. What is clear is that her mother died when she was younger and her father, a famous politician, caring more about his job than his daughter, dumped her with her grandfather at Hikawa Shrine. She grew up there, and gained a rapport with two crows at the temple, whose names are Phobos and Deimos. As she grew older, she became the miko or shrine maiden and began taking an active part in the care of the shrine. Her life, or so it seemed, was fairly normal.

In reality, however, Rei is the reincarnation of the princess of Mars, one of the Inner Senshi and a guardian of the Moon Princess, Usagi. Her identity as one of the Inner Senshi (but not as the Princess of Mars) was revealed to her by Usagi and Luna during an attack on a bus by one of the youma employed by the Dark Kingdom. She embraced her new role and goes to her new duties with gusto. Eventually, she is killed in the arctic by minions of Queen Beryl, sacrificing herself for Usagi along with the others, but is revived by the Silver Crystal and Usagi’s wish. She has no memory of her life as one of the Sailor Senshi until Earth is attacked by the aliens Eiru and An and the Senshi are called upon to defend the Earth and Princess Serenity again.

After their defeat it seemed things might quiet down bit, but then a mysterious pink-haired girl by the same name as Usagi has arrived, searching for the Silver Crystal. And she's being pursued by an even more mysterious organization, the Dark Moon. Rei fought this new enemy alongside of friends, as she always had in the past. After a few surprising revelations (Chibi-usa was Usagi and Mamoru''s daughter from the future, go figure), and a hard-fought battle, the Dark Moon and the Death Phantom were defeated.

Of course, things are never that easy and now a mysterious new enemy has begun sending creatures called Daimons to steal the pure hearts from innocent people, and two new senshi have appeared, Uranus and Neptune. Who they are, and what their true intentions are, Rei might never know now that she's been swept into the Garden.

Sailor Mars on wikipedia.

Personality: Rei is, as one might expect for an avatar of Mars, a bit of a hothead. She has a quick temper and will unleash an acerbic tongue on anyone unfortunate enough to draw her ire. She is also stubborn, refusing to back down without a fight, and often gets into arguments with Usagi, her nominal leader.

When Usagi, Ami and Luna first approach Rei at the shrine regarding some mysterious disappearances, she is extremely reluctant to deal with them. She has been fairly isolated from people since she was a child, other than her grandfather, and tends to be a bit suspicious and untrusting at first glance. She tends to try and rely more on herself than anyone else, especially in the early part of the series.

However, like all the other Senshi, she is extremely loyal, to Princess Serentiy/Usagi, perhaps even more so than the others due to the close relationship she has with her. Rei would (and does) die for Usagi without a thought. It is also worth noting that Rei and Usagi seem to have an especially close relationship, with Rei often eschewing the use of any honorifics when Usagi is in trouble, as opposed to the other senshi.

Once she’s a friend to someone, she tends to open up a bit and often teases her friends, especially Usagi, who receives no relief from the good-natured ribbing that Rei gives her. It may, to some, appear to be malicious but Rei teases to show she cares. Around her close friends (namely the other senshi) she tends to adopt a sort of big-sister role, trying to stay a little aloof. But her very real affection for all of them, as well as her quick tongue and all-around enthusiasm for their duties and other activities tend to break down this imposed barrier quite often.

In the anime, she is also a bit more of a typical teenager in some ways, having a grasp on and interest in pop culture and music, as well as having dreams of becoming a pop star herself. She has some domestic dreams and like the other girls tends to think about the possibilities of marriage in the future.
As a Sailor Senshi, Rei seems to be primarily motivated by her dogged loyalty not just to Usagi and Princess Serenity, but to the rest of her friends. She sacrifices herself to help Usagi continue onwards to face Queen Beryl at the end of the first arc. She also has a sense of duty towards the people of the Earth, whom they protect, as she argues strongly in favor of going to the North Pole to confront Beryl directly, again at the end of the first arc.

Abilities: With the powers granted to her as an Inner Senshi, Rei is able to transform into Sailor Mars, giving her greater physical abilities, as well as the power to shoot a fireball from her fingers when she shouts the words ‘Fire Soul,’ and is also able to fire rings of flame at her enemies by shouting ‘Burning Mandala.’ Further, in her ‘civilian’ form she has a few minor psychic abilities and is able to sense evil spirits as well as perform minor divination. She is also capable of performing exorcisms and binding evil spirits, part of her abilities as a miko.

Sample: Her first post on Drama Drama Duck If this isn't appropriate, please let me know. :D


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