I know this is a bit off my usual topic, but my company is looking to hire medical coders and doctors to do medical audit work. The company's NYC-based but is open to people wanting to work remotely, though they do need to be somewhere in the US, and I believe it can be done part time
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NYC is a ridiculously big place, and I live in my own tiny corner of it. Brooklyn is also a ridiculously big place, and the people I know down there are almost never in Sunset Park. Still, wanted to check in so you'd all know I'm fine.
I'm on Dreamwidth as marta-bee. I hope LJ stays functional, but better safe than sorry these days. If you have a DW account could you comment with your name there so I can follow you?
A few weeks ago I tested positive for COVID on one of those home tests. My symptoms were really mild, to the point at first I thought it was a false positive and even once it started kicking in t wasn't much worse than seasonal allergies and a night of not sleeping well. Just as I was getting over that though I had some rather tough cognitive
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I'm curious... has anyone been following news of Amazon's "Rings of Power" series? Vanity Fair has an article out about it with enough spoilers to give any hard-core Tolkien fan a bad case of the heebie-jeebies, I think, but also a frisson of excitement that this could be very cool. Or at least very big.
The long-promised snow finally hit New York. The view from my window is under the cut, but suffice it to say: brrrrrr; and *boing* (worse than the cold it looks slippery).
In honor of a certain someone's birth-anniversary, have a read about inventors of languages, both the nerd-hobbyists who do it for fun and those using them to make communication easier (think Esperanto) or just understand more about how words work
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