I have one question: why be online 24/7 when you're always away so people don't talk to you? OR why be online, but when someone talks to you, you don't reply? I really don't get it. :-/ Anyway a huge part of life is a mystery to me so I guess I shouldn't question things like that.
Lol I just had to post 2 videos
Lol basically the funny part only lasts for like 10 seconds. You can tell Tom is wasted and Bill is trying to save the situation by saying he drinks "cola" etc.. But then Tom says he can't drink juice or something. LOL hahahha his "like zomg of course I drink alcohol.. DUHHH" expression kills me. It's after the 20th second I think.
Watch out for the 57th second + after. It's so cute!!! xDDDD