Hey you guys! I got really impatient, and even though we only have 13 participants, so far, I wanted to go ahead and put up the first challenge.
You'll have TWO weeks, and
sign ups are open until the voting post goes up. So tell you're friends to get on over here :D
(I'll be editing the sign up post shortly to reflect the schedule change)
• You must be a member of the community and
signed up to participate.
• If you want to skip, you must comment here. I will not use one for you.
Check to see if you can skip. No skips on the First Challenge. No exceptions.
• Make ONE (1) icon. Entries are due Monday, July 28th at 11:00 P.M. (
• You may not post your icon ANYWHERE until the results of the challenge are up. If I see that you have, you will be disqualified.
• LiveJournal standard. 100×100, PNG/JPG/GIF, 40 KB or less.
• You are free to use any textures, brushes, text, etc.
• You MUST use one of the pictures provided; you may not use any others. Blending is allowed as well.
• Please reply with your icon and URL to this post.
• Images provided by
The Institute.
• Feel free to ask questions! =]
And good luck to everyone!