Round Four - Challenge Four

Aug 14, 2008 10:42

Sorry it's a bit late, you guys, was too tired to put this up immediately last night. But here it is!

• You must be a member of the community and signed up to participate.
• If you want to skip, you must comment here. I will not use one for you. Check to see if you can skip.
• Make ONE (1) icon. Entries are due Tuesday, August 19th at 11:00 A.M. (EST).
• You may not post your icon ANYWHERE until the results of the challenge are up. If I see that you have, you will be disqualified.
• LiveJournal standard. 100×100, PNG/JPG/GIF, 40 KB or less.
• You are free to use any textures, brushes, text, etc.
• You MUST use one of the pictures provided; you may not use any others. Blending is allowed as well.
• Please reply with your icon and URL to this post.
• Images provided by Time and Space.
• Feel free to ask questions! =]

Theme: Empty Spaces
Your icon, featuring Martha of course, should also feature empty spaces. Which means you can make blank space around your subject(s) or crop the icon so there's a lot of space around the subject.

(First three are my own, fourth one from nextjuly)

Have fun and good luck!


round four, challenge four

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