Title: Five Christmas traditions Sam and Gene have
fern_treeRating: Blue Cortina for implied sexytimes
Word Count: 625
Prompt: Sam/Gene, Christmas Traditions
Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for 2x06. Established relationship. I wrote it like a five times fic, because I'm nostalgic for that format.
1. Planning for the next year
Sam's never quite sure how long this time travel/coma thing is gonna work out for him. He makes plans for things he's going to do on days in the first weeks of January, in the hope that his imagination will take the hint and continue to allow the calendar to tick over, he won't just stop and cease to exist when it comes to midnight on December 31st. He does this a week early, on Christmas Eve, because he's a morbid sod (in Gene's words). And because the most fervent wish he could ever make would be to stay here forever with Gene.
2. Visiting the grave
What Gene had neglected to tell him, that time in the morgue corridor, was that Stu died of an overdose on Christmas day. The first year Sam caught Gene sneaking out the door early on Christmas morning, he believed the lie that Gene had to run and buy a card for his elderly neighbour, the lady who often put the bins out for them all year round, since they worked stupid hours and tended to forget. The second year running though, Gene couldn't come up with an excuse fast enough and Sam got suspicious and followed him...they'd had a truly vicious fight when Gene caught him spying. Several years on, they make the trip together, Gene pays his respects, Sam holds his hand, and they head back home together for Sam to start on cooking turkey for half of CID.
3. Stocking for Sammy
Sam knows he shouldn't change his early life too much, because he might grow up a different person, might never become a copper and end up living in the past, never meet the Guv. But a few extra Christmas presents won't do any harm, right? Ruth assumes they're from Vic, feeling guilty once a year, but they never have much money and so she doesn't throw them away, just puts them under the tree and pretends they're from her. Sam saves up and each year buys his younger self all the toys he remembers wishing he'd received.
4. Leave a bone for the dog
There's a stray dog that hangs around the neighbourhood, that Gene is weirdly fond of. Sam doesn't like it, the dog stinks, has horrible teeth and hardly any fur. He normally forbids Gene to feed it, but on Christmas he lets Gene leave a spare turkey leg or two out in the back garden for the mutt to come and find. It makes Gene ridiculously happy to have a dog to play with one day a year, since their job prevents them from keeping one as a proper pet. Sam's suggested they get a cat many times but Gene always insists he hates cats. Sam'll keep trying to convince him. For now, he gets to watch Gene race up and down the lawn with an unloved thing that ought to have been put out of its misery years ago...and knows how lucky he is to be with this man.
5. Mistletoe at midnight
Just inside their bedroom door on Christmas eve, there's always a sprig of mistletoe, now. There's no rule about who sticks it up, some years Sam does it, some years Gene - the result is the same. One of them deliberately stands underneath it, blocking the doorway after they've both changed into pyjamas and brushed their teeth. The other glances up, grins, and slams his partner back against the nearest wall. Snogging and heavy petting ensues. Sometimes the main event happens right there in the corner of the room, other years they make it to the bed. Either way they curl up beneath the covers after, and sleep until the dawn.