I take a break from SuShow2 just to mention...
I'll be stalking yesasia for preorder status now.
Back to the regular programme...
MORE SUSHOW2...these will be the final batch I believe heehee~
Choi Siwon - the muscle guy lol
I took this pic by holding the camera high up because too many ppl were blocking me from Siwon goodness ^^
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He was so so so good-looking irl, I would say pictures don't really do him justice because I've not thought much about Donghae's looks until I saw him in person and was bowled over. People always say Siwon is the one with the looks, but imo Hae is a challenger to that title.
Here he is being totally adorable.
He picked up so many of the things the fans threw on stage and wore them all .
Raining confetti
so adorable! *squishes*
With towels draped all over him and a fishy in his hand and goodness knows what else he is holding and still looking very pretty.
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ENCORE ENCORE! While waiting for them to come out for the encore...
CARNiVAL! Heenim with his Heebum hat <3 I love him, he's so weird and crazy LOL
Shindong and Sungmin stood at the main stage the whole time and Sungmin nuna cries again :(
Kyuhyun and his kangaroo hat. See the little kangaroo behind him? So cute!!
My optical zoom image of Sungmin at the main stage waving his cow flag and smiling to rock pitt fans. ASLKJDKLF.
Once again you can tell how desperate I was for pics of him lol
Asia's anchovy Hyuk comes over and picks up a water gun
Starts to pump it
And sprays the rock pitt fans
Then turns around and starts to spray at us with a huge SILLY grin on his face
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My new bias Ryeowook! Shooting rock pitt fans as usual...
He was so adorable and smiley that night that he leapedfrogged from obscurity over 9 other Suju boys and lodged himself in 4th behind Sungmin, Hyukjae and Donghae now
Shooting us! But unlike Hyuk, he missed most of us i think keke~We really got blasted by Hyuk, not that I'm complaining..
WAI so cute bb? Now I wish I bought the rabbit cartoon tee as well...
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Heechul being the terminator and blasting rock pitt fans with TWO water guns
More pics for Suju nuna's benefit...Teuk is giving his thanks to the Asian fans
When he mentions Singapore, the screams were deafening!
Siwon translated whatever Teuk says into English.
His English isn't too bad considering I could understand all of what he said. And it was kind of attractive to hear Siwon speak hesistantly in his halting English and deep voice. Yum. keke
Siwon tummy! and Heechul is at it again, blasting the other side now. Oh Heech.
Breaking up to sing Marry U..see Kyuhyun coming over? I got a FANTASTICAL fancam of him singing that song.
I'm so proud of myself (*^^*). Wish he was more of my bias...
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Saying goodbyes...
Everyone bowed except the Heenim. keke~
Annyong! *sobssssss forever*
Twitter follow and blown kisses....XOXOXO
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It was the best fangirling experience of my life. Suju nuna and I are suffering from major withdrawal symptoms right now lol.
I would go see them again in a heartbeat! I hope they tour for the 4th album to this region. Even though I highly doubt we will ever get such good seats again in our lifetime, we just HAVE to see them again. Once you see them live and in person, it's never going to be enough.
brb saving up!