This piece was written as art for
eve_from_oz 's
casestory Big Bang, 'The Curious Case of the Doctor and Amelia Pond'.
The story is a Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes (Ritchie) crossover. I think you should go read it!
It can be found here. The piece is called 'Time, time, time'.
Time, time, time by Aron Kristina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This is a download link, if you wish to have the music. Some notes on this piece:
In the story is mentioned a certain clock which goes 'tick tock' but at random intervals adds an extra tick to get 'tick tick tock'. This is the basis of the piece and the sound is heard throughout the piece.
I don't really know where the idea of sine sounds came from, I just had this notion of something sounding vaguely wrong, and apparently this translated as such. It sort of makes my head feel like it's going to explode, but in a good way. Of course, the sounds are rather heavily edited, to get the fuzziness the have now. The weird moving sound towards the end sounds rather old school sci fi to me.
Sound clips used in this piece are Clock Ticks by daveincamas and various sinus sounds by ayamahambho. They are licensed under Creative Commons Samplin Plus 1.0 and were found on