So other than a few tweaks, the kitchen and floors are DONE as of today. Here's a before and after, though it's after dark so the "after" lighting is not so good. And my sisters will be here a week from Saturday! Woot!
Yep. That was a tough decision, but the adjacent breakfast area there is all windows, so there's plenty of light and views. The window over the cooktop was a fire hazard, and looked out at nothing but a fence and the neighbor's kitchen window,
Here's the wall that the kitchen sink looks toward (Ignore the stacked up furniture - this was mid-process laying the floors.) See? Plenty of windows and views. :-)
I'm enjoying it. That externally-vented hood is powerful - I browned a little bacon yesterday to top our salad, and my son stepped outside and said, "Mom, the entire neighborhood smells like bacon!" It was pulling it all out and blasting it into the breeze.
Awww. Believe me, I am very grateful indeed that I'm in a position to do this. I spent many many years with some really BAD kitchens. The kind you didn't even want to clean, because even if you did they still looked grubby. And I'd still be okay with life if that's what I had now. But yeah, it's nice, and I'm thankful.
Comments 10
Here's the wall that the kitchen sink looks toward (Ignore the stacked up furniture - this was mid-process laying the floors.) See? Plenty of windows and views. :-)
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(Looks like the pups are enjoying the new floor!)
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