Poor not!Roxas. Dx

Apr 02, 2007 18:36

So because everybody's doing it, and because I need to get my mind off real life, I'm going to speculate on the KHII FM+ secret ending as well. :D


I was pretty obsessive yesterday and went through frame by frame to find out everything that happened. And even then I'm not sure on a few things. Dx

The whole ice thing was really sad. Yes, I know it's not Roxas. But still, there has to be some significance in him looking EXACTLY THE SAME.


Of course, the famous one:

THESE PICTURES MAKE ME REALLY SAD. Poor kid's STILL ALIVE, probably thinking "WTF just happened!" Actually, I'm surprised he didn't go into a coma when he hit his head on the cliff hard enough to break off his helmet.

Not!Roxas' fall also provided enough force to shatter the end of his keyblade. Now, this may be because the metal was frozen, and it may also be because the keyblade doesn't have a keychain. Regardless of reasons, if an impact has enough force to do serious damage to both his keyblade and armor, just imagine how poor not!Roxas feels as he tumbles down. Makes me feel horrible just thinking about it.

Also, who the hell is bald!Ansem and why is he so strong? Alternatively, why are the knights' armor so flimsy?

ES (Mr. Golden Eyes)'s armor cracked when the dark clone cast lightning on it. >>;; I actually didn't see that much damage on that of the Female Knight, but bald!Ansem cracked not!Roxas' helmet with a SINGLE HAND.

Enough ranting about armor. Now for some conspiracy theories and character evaluations! :D

Not!Roxas is obviously the youngest. I'm wondering why he's there.

Going off how eager he is to just rush at bald!Ansem, these are possible:

1. He is young and wants to prove himself (perhaps it is his first mission).
    I just imagine he's been trained on what to do, and desperately wants to help. He doesn't have as much experience, and is a bit headstrong just rushing in like that.
2. He has a personal grudge against bald!Ansem.
    Ehh, had to throw it in there. Don't think it's likely.
3. These are routine missions. The knights didn't know who they were up against.
    The fact that the ES pulled not!Roxas back, but then went on himself seems to suggest this. Such as, the leader must go first in order to test strength of the opponent.
    Maybe the knights did know they were up against an extremely strong enemy (maybe they're not even the first group to try).
4. They were caught off-guard.
    One thing that strikes me as particularly odd is how both the knights and bald!Ansem just happen to meet in the same place at the same time. Maybe the knights went for the keyblades, and bald!Ansem just went there too. However, why go at that particular time? It doesn't appear to be an ambush on the knights, because they don't serve any (notable) purpose in the summoning of Kingdom Hearts (if that's what it is).

I'm thinking the knights tried to meet him there. In the KHII secret ending, they don't arrive in a group. They all walk up from separate directions and look at the keyblades of Sora, Riku, and Mickey. Maybe they knew bald!Ansem was going to summon that moon thing and went to stop him.

Going off option 1 (that not!Roxas is young and maybe wants to prove himself), bald!Ansem definitely uses this to his advantage. Not!Roxas tries a sneak attack (which, in retrospect, seems pretty stupid of him), so bald!Ansem catches his head and just holds him there in front of his teammates.

Not!Roxas doesn't really know what's going on or what to do. He just squirms about, trying to release himself, and his eyes dart around frantically. (The eye thing also happens when he's frozen; he doesn't know what to do, and I'd bet it's never happened to him before. XP) Further, it takes his teammates (notably the ES) a little time to get over the shock and react. It's almost as if bald!Ansem is taunting, "See, I am brutal. You guys know what you're doing. But this kid? You probably promised him he wouldn't get hurt, didn't you?"

Which just makes it SO MUCH SADDER.

Also, I'm wondering the connection between not!Roxas and the female knight. After all, they look at each other while not!Roxas is being held. Then the female knight decides to catch him as he falls (Squeenix definitely did not pass physics in high school). It could be that she looks upon him like a little brother, but maybe it's love. :/ Too early to tell, but I'm going for the little brother option.

That being said, I'm wondering about the extend of not!Roxas' injuries. Sure, it looks as if the kid went through hell and is going to need a lot of therapy. But the blue haired girl doesn't exactly have an OMG YOU'RE DYING OHSHI- face. She does look sad and horrified, but then turns her attention to the pretty blue heart in the sky. It's like she's disappointed in what happened, especially since he has no idea what's going on, but knows he won't die. (Serious bodily harm? Pfft.)

Considering the attention the knights (sans not!Roxas) give to the pretty blue moon, I'm thinking the moon is Bad. D: Oh noes! They probably failed their mission! (If there was an actual "mission.")

Now I'm wondering who the "chasers" are. >>;; It probably is the knights, seeing as they're chasing they keyblades, or the blue moon, or bald!Ansem. People have theorized that Mr. Golden Eyes in Xehanort. I'll hold off judgment for now, but it seems plausible.

I get the feeling I had more to say and forgot it. NOT THAT IT ISN'T LONG ENOUGH ALREADY. >>;;

By the way, does anyone have the link to the extended Riku/Roxas battle? I'll search more on YouTube tonight; I really want to see it, but everybody's posting the new scenes instead of the extended ones. ;____;

khii fm+, theories

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