Fic Title: Losing Sight of the Shore
Author name:
casspeach Mix Title: I'm in
Artist name:
earlofcardigans Beta name: MontanaHarper
Characters/Pairing: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, the rest of the team and Fury all make appearances
Fandom/Universe: Avengers movieverse
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 23k
Warnings: Aliens make them do it, sex pollen, dubious consent as a result of same. One character incapable of consent due to sex pollen, the other having sex out of duty. Happy ending. Brief mention of medical procedures/recovery from serious injury. Explicit sex
Summary: Taken from a
ccfeelsmeme prompt: One of the boys is hit with a beam that slowly raises his sex drive until the point where he could go mad from it. SHIELD is prepared-they have hired the services of a female prostitute. The only problem is that the one who was hit isn't attracted to women at all. Not even a little bit.
Coulson gets hit by the beam. Clint steps up to help him out. He's the obvious choice, because, well, none of the others are right for the job. You want reasons? He's got reasons - detailed inarguable ones. None of them having to do with the pathetic torch he's been carrying for his handler forever.
Meanwhile Coulson's wanted Hawkeye for just as long, but he wants what's best for Clint more than he wants his own happiness, and he won't be just another mentor screwing Clint over for his own ends. But that determination's a little harder to hold onto with Asgardian sex magic coursing through him, and the object of his affections breaking through every barricade - physical and mental - he's ever erected.
Link to fic:
'Losing Sight of the Shore' on Ao3 Link to mix
'I'm in' on livejournal and
on Ao3