Title: Five Reasons Why (We Don't Mention the Elephant in the Room)
wabbitseasonFandoms: Daredevil/Iron Man 2
Characters/pairing: Matt Murdock (Daredevil)/Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3368
Notes: Pinch-hit written for the prompt, What's a beautiful ex-Russian spy doing in Hell's Kitchen?
wabbitseason, I hope you like it!
Five Reasons Why (We Don't Mention the Elephant in the Room) )
Comments 8
I love sentences like this one: "By the time she finishes, Foggy's very still like he's not sure whether he wants to kill her or worship her, and Matt's pretty sure that smugness smells like black coffee and sandalwood perfume, and tastes like the bagel he's eating." Just great.
I love how you describe things from Matt's POV. It's as subtle as the usual visual cues that the reader forgets he's all scents, sounds & touch.
Oh, one more: Legendary!
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