A survey from therapy. Take that for what you will.
1. At what time of your life were you happiest and why?
I don't know. When I was a kid. Paris. The Air Force. When... I don't know. I don't think of it like this.
2. Where and when did you meet the love of your life?
That's such a stupid phrase. I'm not dead anyway, how can you know until your life is over? I know, that's the wrong answer. Or is it a "if your life ended right now" kind of question? What is to be learned here? And what if our answers don't match? Is that supposed to mean something? I hate this whole exercise.
3. Favourite item of clothing ever or most treasured possession?
That's a huge difference, meme. I don't have a favorite clothing item. My most treasured possession is my ID. Or maybe the bow Ollie gave me last Christmas.
4. Must-have makeup or beauty item?
5. What do you think is your worst vice or fault .. honestly?
My temper.
6. Would you tell your friend, if you knew her husband/wife was cheating on her/him?
I don't know. Probably not.
7. What ambitions, wishes or desires, for your life, do you still hold close to your heart?
I hold it close to my heart because I don't want to out it out there for everyone to pounce on!
8. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I don't know. I don't like these questions.
9. If you had the choice of any talent with the penalty that you would lose a talent in exchange, what would you want to gain, and what would you be willing to lose?
I'm fine as is.
10. Name three things that you do want completed in your life before retiring?
11. Of all of the people out there who would have been your fantasy date? Date, not romance...
Harrison Ford.
12. Google put another spell on you, you have just changed genders for 48 hours... what are you going to do with your 2 days?
Oh please.
13. If you owned your own island, and got to make it your own country, what would you call it? And why?
I don't want my own country. I'd name the island Corellia.
14. If you rubbed the lamp and got 3 wishes, what would they be?
I wouldn't rub the lamp. I'd give it to Tony.
15. What is your earliest memory of puberty?
16. If you got banished to your Island alone and could only bring 5 things, what would they be?
Is this a things not people question? What's the point? I'd get off the island. If I didn't someone would come get me. I can think of at least four people who would risk everything to get me off the island. Is that the point? That I have people means it's okay to need them? I don't see it. And if that is the point then what does it matter what I would choose to be "banished" with? Is it supposed to be things that remind me of my people? Or things that remind me of myself? So I don't forget in banishment? Huh? What is the purpose of this exercise?! Other than to drive me fucking insane --
1. my picture of Steven at Christmas
2. a cheeseburger
3. that bow
4. is my monkey a thing?
5. a case of scotch (I've been banished. I'm allowed.)