
Mar 01, 2011 13:40

Describe your earliest childhood memory? No.

Best way for you to de-stress after a hard day? Fly.

As a kid, did you like to read? Not really.

Are you the type to tell someone if their pants DO make them look fat? I guess.

What is the most trouble you have ever gotten into? That's classified :P

The main goal of your life is to…? Live.

A word that accurately describes your personality: Opinionated.

Are there any song lyrics that you closely relate to? Sure.

Who do you feel most comfortable around? I don't know.

If this person died, who would you turn to? I don't.

How do you deal with hardships and loss within your life? What's with the morbid turn, meme. What am I supposed to say, I sing? I rail at the sky? I cut a bitch? I go on, what else is there to do.

What was the biggest challenge you've had to overcome? Oh get over yourself.

Do you still want the same career you thought you did as a child? Yes.

How do you handle bad arguments? Horribly.

If someone doesn't share your views/opinions, how do you react? Depends on the someone and the opinion, obviously.

How has this past week been? Fine.

Been anywhere? If so, where? We came home. It's nice.

Did finding out the truth about where babies come from surprise you? ...

Haha. Well played, meme.

What is one way to win over your heart? Don't mention hearts.

What is one way to keep it? …Don't let me get away with stupid answers.

What is the most you have ever eaten in one sitting? I don’t know.

Walk along a beach, or hike in the mountains? Boring.

What is something you are ashamed to admit you do? Cry.

Do you deal well with guilt? Who deals well with guilt?

What is your favorite word? Chewbacca.


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