I've been writing a bit of mapping code recently, and found that (at least parts of) the Google Maps API doesn't support the antimeridian (i.e., 180 degrees west/east
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Ha! Thanks for pointing that out - I had no idea, but a little experimentation persuaded me that this would be a significant annoyance if I lived in Fiji.
Heh, that's funny. It's like the two high-resolution areas on either side don't quite match up, so there is a small strip of ultra-low resolution imagery in between...
I don't - I'm just a big map nerd, and things like this are on my mind at the moment because Melinda and I went to the Greenwich Royal Observatory a couple of weeks ago, which spurred this big discussion about the significance of entirely arbitrary lines on a map.
Comments 6
I didn't know you work on maps?
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