They're Protein Shakes

Nov 09, 2005 22:06

Notes From Robby to Mr. Richy today:

" Your invited to the my pantce"

" I'm on a treasure hunt..... let me see your jewls"

i died then died and then died again



luv ya erin= my ireland!

and yes you can go backwards in a taxi!!!

tommorrow is like friday!!!!!!!!!

haley im lookin forward to ur party!!

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Comments 8

xo_ashey_xo November 10 2005, 04:55:24 UTC
holy commoly today was soooooooooooooooooo
even tho i was like gone .. during that time..
it was still SOO funny!! lol...haha
u went backwards in a taxi.. -2..-1...U DUMMY! least u still got an a..but made the
dumbest mistake lol..ur face was soo red lol...
2n+56...WOW WOW WOW WOW...just a lil off[50!] lol
i still love you and erin tho...even tho yall couldnt get that one
2n+6... :D love you girl!

ewwwwwwwwwww chad's ex lover lol lol!


marweeena November 11 2005, 04:24:21 UTC
ohhh dang chad!! haha i love you ashley!! our classes rock!! and they are sooo much fun!! we missed you when you were gone in mr. richy's class. TAXIS CAN GO BACKWARDS!!
luv ya 2n+56


xo_ashey_xo November 13 2005, 23:18:36 UTC
i changed ur name in my phone
it says...
ewww chad[mars] lol :D


xox_erin530 November 11 2005, 00:11:07 UTC
Haha! Oh-em-gee... yesterday was so much fun, lol. "Ladies, what's your answer?" "Uh.. 2n.. + ... um... 56?" Haha. "FOOT MAM!" (That one is from today... lol). Aquariums make me super horny... Haha!
I can't BELEIVE she is making us move seats on Monday! I want us to stay! Maybe I'll ask her if we can stay where we are...
Those notes to Mr. Richardson were soooo funny! "If you'll be the farmer, I'll be the sheep. <3 Robbie" Haha!! I think he's gonna' flip out when he sees that one. Dang. But anyways...
I can't wait to see you at Haley's party! We are going to plot and play pranks on people, but shhh... that's a secret. Lol.
Loooooooooove you!
--Your Ireland


Ireland marweeena November 11 2005, 04:22:29 UTC
erin you freckin crack me up!!!!!!!!!! aquariums make me super horny!!!!!! ahhhhhhh and the IT WAS FRICKEN HILARIOUS
if she seperates us( which she probaley will cuz we laughed too much)
i will cry !!!! i looooove you! cant wait till haley's party!


Re: Ireland xox_erin530 November 11 2005, 04:31:26 UTC
I'm going to BOYCOTT ALL of Mrs. Tree's classes if she separates us! Which... I'm virtually certain she will...
Because we are so crazy man! Lol.
Math isn't gonna' be the same after she makes us move...
She'll probably put us on completely opposite sides of the room. :*(
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove you!
♥ ♥ ♥
MARlENA CRACkS ME UP MAN... ShE'S SO COOl... hERE ARE SOME thiNGS fROM CONVERSAtiONS With MARlENA thAt MAdE ME lAUGh--> 2n+56...:::...AQUARiUMS MAkE ME SUPER hORNY...:::...fOOt MAM!...:::...dO YA fiNd ME SEXY?...:::...YOU bE thE fARMER, i'll bE thE ShEEP!...:::...fROZEN MiCE!...:::...tA dA!...:::...JOllY RANChER...:::...<-- i WUV YOU MARlENA!


Re: Ireland xox_erin530 November 17 2005, 23:22:45 UTC


anonymous November 19 2005, 02:11:56 UTC
my wheat-thins
gahhh!!! i'll
just take some
from your wheat-
thin thong!! haha
betcha cant guess
who this is! loveu


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