Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom.
I'm supposed to forward it to 5 other moms - not happening.
Thing is - it's not even true.
Honestly, I have been puked on - woulda been WAAAY worse had I not been as drunk as him, but still...
Been chewed on, too (whatever, it was high school)
And I've still never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down (unless I was worried putting her down would wake her up); and really, I don't get all tender and special feeling when I'm nursing. I feel ... bovinical (if it's not a word it sure as hell should be).
And the "feeling of having my heart outside my body"?? WTF? I dont even understand that line. I'm picturing that scene in Temple of Doom where the priest-guy rips the still beating heart out of the sacrificial guy's chest. Ew.
"I never knew I would love being a mom" - I love Casey. I love love love her. I'm glad she's here now. Don't know if I'm all that fond of being mommy, though, to tell ya the truth.
I read things like this and it's like I can hear them screaming, "YOU DON'T LOVE YOUR BABY ENOUGH!! BAD MOMMY!"