I made a list of what I was going to do today. I tried hard, but still didn't get all of it done. I started off by heading out to the school to see if I could talk to Mrs. Hoke about FBLA and yearbook. Since that fell through because all the teachers were in a meeting, I decided to go shopping.
First, I went to Old Navy and got some dress pants and a cute shirt for a total of $9. I was proud. :) Next, I went to TJ Maxx and found a cute skirt, but sadly it was too big. :( I then headed over to Puff's/The Warehouse and used my free item card to buy this darling skirt. I got out of there pretty quick because there was the big commotion because some girl had a sezuire. :S My last stop was Select Seconds, where I found a nifty American Eagle skirt for $5, and two shirts. Mrs. Roland and Mere were right, that store is the bomb.
I went to the gym, and then headed home to see if anyoen was there. My mom, sister, and nephew arrived a few minutes after I got home. My mom needed to go run some errands, so I decided then would be a good time to also go get my phone fixed. Our first instinct was go to the place on Caraway because they are the most knowledge, too bad 7 other people had the same instinct. :S In order to even get in the door you had to sign in, like some kind of doctor's office. That made me so mad I didn't even step two feet in the door before turning around and leaving. My mom decided we should then go to the mall. The snotty lady told us to call the stupid number on the brochure. (Like I haven't heard that before) We call the number and they put us on hold for like 20 minutes. My mom gets mad and storms up to the cingular desk. She angrily says "How many times have you tried calling this number? They put you on hold forever." The lady starts to be even more rude than before and says "I called it just yesterday." Then she dials the number for us and listens and presses some numbers. She then hands the phone to my mom and my mom is on hold, once again. My mom waits for about 5 more minutes then says "I don't have time for this.", and hands the lady back the phone. We storm out of the mall. hehe It was so hilarious because my mom is so paitent. I have never seen her get so angry.
Ugh...well I better get to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow. :(
<3 MA