Happy Birthday to Liz & My Livejournal!

Aug 17, 2005 16:13

Today Elizabeth turns 18, and on the very same day, my livejournal turns 1!

I didn't do too much today. I woke up and attempted to make some garlic bread. It took me forever to get the oven to do what I wanted to. After my struggle with the oven, the bread was finally done. :) I ate a couple of pieces and then headed to the gym. I ran my mile, lifted weights, and did abs. I hope when school starts I will still have time to do my hardcore workouts.

I headed home, took a shower, and then went to the dentist. He filled my cavity without laughing gas or numbing. I knew it wasn't that bad of a cavity. *glares* I brush my teeth ALL the time. In the spirit of teeth, I drove by the orthodontist to get my braces fixed and to get some new bands. He said my teeth looked good, but didn't say anything about when I was getting them off. I told my dentist I wanted thme off before my senior pics October 12th. He said that my teeth looked fine and that I should tell Dr. Burris that. That means by October 12th I will be bracefree! :D

Well I'm about to go get Liz's b-day gift and then go to church. After church is the PARTAY! :D WAHOO!

<3 MA

Date created: August 17th, 2004
Journal entries: 324
Comments: Posted: 2,367 - Received: 1,210
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