(no subject)

Feb 26, 2004 19:52

No. Bush ISN'T the best president. But what is a perfect president? There is no such thing. Have we ever had "the best" president? No. I don't think we've had a good president since Lincoln -- but even before then, I'm sure that there were things that people didn't like about the presidents.

Democrats and Republicans want the same goal - a better government, a better place to live. However, we have a different opinion on how to do that. That does not mean the others side opinion isn't based on fact or is idiotic. It merely means that - that we have different opinions. We have had different life experiences and/or have been raised different ways to come to our beliefs and opinions. I support most republican ideals because of how I have been raised. I have been raised believing in a higher power who happened to be the inspiration/writer of the scriptures.

To change my ideals to that of the liberal ideal, I would be lowering my standards. I don't want to lower my standards because I have made a commiment to my Heavenly Father, my Lord, my God that I would uphold them -- even if it means being ridiculed, killed, or more. I will stand on my beliefs and ideals until the day that I day. If I am to be a martyr, so be it. Many people have died for religion, and if I am one of them -- fine. My blood will seal my testimony.

However, I do go around saying, or I shouldn't go around saying (scold me if I do), that people's opinions are because their heads are up their derriere's -- for they have been raised differently than I have.

This does not mean I will vote for things that go against my values just because I respect others right to their own opinions -- because I have my right as well to state it.
I will vote down same-sex marriage, abortion "rights", and whatever goes against my value system.

So no, Bush isn't the best. But out of what I have to choose from, I'd choose him. I don't agree with everything he does, but I agree with him more on things than I do any of the others up for the white house.

I really need to stop this. It's no wonder I've been getting headaches and been skipping class.
I have to go study geography. I should go study geography. *nods*
I'd miss Geography again if it weren't for the quiz tomorrow, but I'm going to go because of the quiz. Although, I'll probably do terrible on it -- even if I study (which I will).

So yeah.
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