29 Gifts in 29 Days-- Ready, Set, Go!

Dec 01, 2008 22:59

As I mentioned in my last post, starting today, December 1st, I am starting a campaign to give 29 gifts in 29 days as a way to herald in the 2008 holiday season. This is the brainchild of Cami Walker at 29-Day Giving Challenge. If you have a five minutes, watch her video to find out why she started this. I think it is a bang-on idea! I suspect that it will work wonders to prevent HFFS (Holiday Fizzle & Fatigue Syndrome).

For my gift today, I helped a colleague with something that was causing her to suck air and NOT exhale. Her relief at my unexpected help was the coolest gift back to me. I am stoked to hear from a number of you that will be joining me on this path! I hope you'll share.

29 Gifts doesn't have to cost a cent. Exercise your creativity and ingenuity. Be alert.  Each day, ask the Holy She, the Big Guy in the Sky, or your Inner Guidance System to put you smack right in front of a need. Then watch what happens!

In abundance and light,
Mary Hershey

29 gifts in 29 days, holiday survival strategies

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