Starting this entry off by saying I finally downloaded Cagayake Girls! It's such a fun song~
On topic, oh my GOD. I'd been kinda putting off watching this show for some reason unknown to me. I guess I was expecting a generic teenage romance, and the aspect of most of the characters being in middle school worried me, but I watched ep. 1 and oh my GOD I LOVE this show. Misao is such a sweetie and I like him already. Ayumi is adorable, and her two friends that are more bold are hot fffff. I found myself truly interested in how Ayumi would answer the confession and how Misao would react to whatever it was. And Misao being so chivalrous and innocent during the fight about seeing Ayumi's panties was just so cute. Actually, I found myself engrossed in that whole scene, and I practically cheered when Ayumi got free and Misao started kicking the other thugs' asses. I just hope that the big cast doesn't cause characters to get too horribly shafted in development, but then the series is slated for 12 episodes, so it probably will. Oh well, at least I like the main pair a lot.
So yeah. My current rating of shows that I've watched some of this season: K-ON! >Basquash > Hatsukoi Limited > Pandora Hearts > Eden of the East. Though this is obviously subject to change, since I've seen 1 ep of Hatsukoi Limited and Eden of the East, two of Basquash and Pandora Hearts, and 4 of K-ON! Being farther into K-ON! gives it a bit of an advantage.