Story Or Series Title:
Berrie’s Adventures in Asgard Fandom: Avengers
Culprit Author's name:
Alexanderlover31 Full Name (plus titles if any): Berrie Roberts, then Berrie Odinson
Full Species(es): A hateful, hateful human.
Hair Color (include adjectives): Not specified
Eye Color (include adjectives): Not specified
Unusual Markings/Colorations: None…yet.
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Comments 12
You wouldn't mean this horse, would you?
( ... )
Probably he did. He's Stan Lee.
I'm sure Loki named that horse to be ironic.
Well, at least we know the author is 14, reading her profile. And she likes Twilight. I rest my case!
Your sporking is as good as always! :D
I find these enchanting preludes all the time too. I hate them.
Twilight did for this generation what polio did for the generation of our grandparents.
1) Wow, delusions of grandeur, much?
2) Odinsson means "son of Odin". A female equivalent of this name would be "Odinsdottir"...
3)... and seeing that she intends to bang Thor... yeah, no unfortunate implications whatsoever. Because the first thing I want people to think when they meet me and my boyfriend is "Mmm, incest. Must be incest".
Maybe what she meant to say was that she took on Thor's last name after marrying him (but the paragraph above implies that she changed the name herself, just for the hell of it), but that wouldn't work too. The Vikings didn't have last names as we know them, and if you were born Girl Someguysdaughter, then, married or not, you stayed Girl Someguysdaughter all your life, you didn't suddenly become Girl Someguysson, because people would find that stupid.
On a related note, Loki Merkel cracked me up something awful.
Thor: We’ve been married for negative three hours and you’re already nagging me to death.*pats him on the ( ... )
The crass tone of this one was kinda surprising. I've seen some lemon scenes in fics that would give you nightmares but this was just so...out there.
I figured the rules for last names had to be similar for women (although you never can tell) but its just unimaginably egotistical to take on the last name of the king 'just cuz'.
I think she was just trying to rip off Loki, you know, Loki comes to Asgard and is adopted by Odin and becomes Odinson so naturally Berrie has to have the same special treatment. Mary Sues are usually ripoffs and this is no exception.
Like Peter Merkel Jr, aka Ragdoll? He's a total troll, too. SOUNDS LEGIT.
*in support group-tone* Hi, I'm Klingelball, I'm from germany and this just killed me.
(The images... the IMAGES in my head...D8... I don't think I can ever look at Angela Merkel the same way again Ô___o)
Did I mention that you write Tony very well? Like very VERY well. It's priceless, really!
I'm happy there's a third spork for me to read. And it's not like I should go to bed because it's almost 5 am... it's just too good to stop.
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