Actually, thinking about it, given Sherlock's previous encounter with Mary it may have occurred to him that he and John had better both be wearing something likely to stop a bullet just in case. I presume he had a couple of hours to send Bill off to fetch something, in between shifting furniture and planting perfume bottles at 221b.
The problem is that even if both Sherlock and John have bulletproof vests on (and I bet you can't get one on beneath The Coat), that's still no protection from a head shot by Mary (time to develop twin armoured-plated deerstalkers, perhaps?) Thinking it through for another fic, I realise that the best protection Sherlock has is actually Bill Wiggins himself. Mary knows that he is bright and working for Sherlock and can put her on the spot at the time of Sherlock's death, so unless she can track Bill down and kill him as well, then she's still going to be suspected at least. (There is obviously tasteless crack fic to be written in which Mary has to progressively slaughter all of Sherlock's acquaintances as they in turn work out what she's up to, while oblivious!John is worrying about how he can keep his wife safe from a mass-murderer during her surprisingly frequent ante-natal classes.
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